Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Determining The Training Needs Of The Organization
Imagine walking into a new job and being thrust to wolves, with little or no training. Many people could not imagine working this way, or having this happen to them. Then imagine this, you spent one week in training and when you begin working you still have no idea what you are supposed to do. This is the case for some companies out there today. Many, if not most, companies have a training program in place today. The problem is that many of these companies have not thought out the program enough to determine the needs of the organization. Some companies today have established training program just because that is what everyone else is doing. A training program is not something that should be taken lightly. It must be well thought out and the company’s goals and ambitions must be included. Determining the organizations training needs is a very significant part of developing a training program. When a company decides to take on the task of implementing a training program, they must first take into consideration the needs of the company as a whole. If the needs of the company both short and long terms are not included in the implementation of the program, the program will not be successful. According to Cary Cherniss and Mitchel Adler, authors of Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, â€Å"Good training begins with a needs assessment, a step that too many organizations skip, (Cherniss page 85)†This needs assessment is important as it lets both the trainers and managers in the organization know which way the organization is heading and how the organization plans on getting there. This assessment of the overall organization as a whole will also help to determine what the specific competencies the training department should be concentrating on within the program. Determining the organizations training needs before diving head first into a program will also help to eliminate the problem of leaving import... Free Essays on Determining The Training Needs Of The Organization Free Essays on Determining The Training Needs Of The Organization Imagine walking into a new job and being thrust to wolves, with little or no training. Many people could not imagine working this way, or having this happen to them. Then imagine this, you spent one week in training and when you begin working you still have no idea what you are supposed to do. This is the case for some companies out there today. Many, if not most, companies have a training program in place today. The problem is that many of these companies have not thought out the program enough to determine the needs of the organization. Some companies today have established training program just because that is what everyone else is doing. A training program is not something that should be taken lightly. It must be well thought out and the company’s goals and ambitions must be included. Determining the organizations training needs is a very significant part of developing a training program. When a company decides to take on the task of implementing a training program, they must first take into consideration the needs of the company as a whole. If the needs of the company both short and long terms are not included in the implementation of the program, the program will not be successful. According to Cary Cherniss and Mitchel Adler, authors of Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, â€Å"Good training begins with a needs assessment, a step that too many organizations skip, (Cherniss page 85)†This needs assessment is important as it lets both the trainers and managers in the organization know which way the organization is heading and how the organization plans on getting there. This assessment of the overall organization as a whole will also help to determine what the specific competencies the training department should be concentrating on within the program. Determining the organizations training needs before diving head first into a program will also help to eliminate the problem of leaving import...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Twilight Zoine Essays - Mona, Free Essays, Term Papers
Twilight Zoine Essays - Mona, Free Essays, Term Papers Twilight Zoine Enter sounds of the Twilight Zone Mona: waving the multicolored flashlight. Our setting is a very boring planet in the middle of two points in the galaxy. This planet is doomed for destruction by the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council to make way for a hyperspatial express route that will run through our star system. This is a special report from The United Relocation Committee in the hopes of preparing the majority of the population for the inevitable move to Earth. This report is designed to help with synthesizing our Altarian culture to that of the Earth. Earth, as you all know, is the best chance for creating homeostatic environment between two cultures, one of which is ours since theirs is considered Mostly Harmless by some standards. We, as intelligent being on our planet, must learn to live by a few of these new social rules that Earth calls ethics*.(*said with a bit of an accent) We have set up a program so that you may learn Earth customs and ethics* along with our most veteran space explorer, Lieutenant Dodge de Neon, as he investigates Earth. The countries that were selected were not at random. It is quite simple really, The United Relocation Committee chose countries that are believed to be the purposed accepting end of about 55.6% of all archaic signals that have, for some unknown reason, been noticeable for twenty-three minutes on a few old broadcasting channels that are still used to check for intelligent life on other planets. The countries that have sent most of the broadcasting are believed not to need such necessary visits as those on the receiving end because all these special broadcasts will be aired every day between eight and ten d.m. in the hopes of teaching everyone all about these countries with least amount of Altarian tax dollars being spent. Focus in on the small car arriving in country a. Here is our spatial habitual machine carrying Lieutenant de Neon to Earth. The first country on our list is Pakistan. Oh, dear. The lieutenant is coming in too fast!!!! Here on our screens in the studio I see that it is predicted that the Habitual machine will hit that big round object hovering over the building The balloon pops and confetti flies. And the habitual machine does as it comes to a complete stop. Norrenna comes out, throws open the rug, reaches behind her and turns the car into another gear and pretends to make Islamic prayer out loud. Brauer comes up to Norrenna and tries to speak with her explaining his apology. Norrenna: Allah Hu ackbar, Allah hu ackbar. Brauer: Sorry that I caused such an accident. Norrenna: As-Saalam Eid Mubarak Brauer. Teach me some of your lanuage please. Norrenna: Bis-millah-heer-rah-mah-neer-rah-heem Brauer: Bis-millah-heer-rah-mah-neer-rah-heem Norrenna: Hama-abne-sad-lejeelow. Norrenna gives rug to Brauer. As they do this Norrenna places the small souvenir in the rocket. And Brauer maneuvers the car up the ferry. Mona: I hope all of you learned something. That was a religious prayer performed by almost of the Earths population today because of the religious holiday Eidul-ad-haa, or Festival of Sacrifice after two months and 10 days of the pilgrimage: Hajj.. Hama-abne-sad-lejeelow is Urdu for: take this with you. Urdu is the native language of Pakistan. And here the spatial habitual machine is coming to its next stop, Italy, the country that is next on the list. The vehicle comes off the ferry and runs by the vines pulling some down with the magnet. Dominik comes out and excited. Dominik: wow, you picked grapes. The first person to pick grapes becomes the host for the Cupra Montana Grape Festival, one of the most famous in the region. The occurs on the first Sunday of October. You may keep the grapes so that you can eat on your journey. (translate into Italian if at all possible.) Brauer: thank you for your cooperation. Good it is not vine though, as I do not like it (say with monotone German accent) Mona: and the translation for all of that is (say in English) And as the Spatial Habitat continues on its way north it arrives in the last designated country, Spain. As the machine comes to a landing on this really big green thing we must prepare for a good run. Oh, wait there are people on the big green thing. The machine will try to slow down now to lower the risk of hitting the people. (the car knocks the
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, Essay - 2
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. (250words minimum) - Essay Example But for me, something else was planned by destiny. For me, this day is the most memorable yet painful day of my entire life. On that day, I had a baseball game in the afternoon. The weather was strange. It was a bright sunny day yet excessively windy. I was not sure of catching a fly ball well in this weird climatic condition. During warm-ups, baseball coach gave me a fly ball and I thought that I would able to catch that ball with my gloves. But before I realize what had happened with me, I found that I was bleeding unceasingly. Then I realized that four of my bloody teeth were in my hand. I could also feel that couple of teeth were hanging by my braces inside the mouth. I could not believe that this accident actually has happened to me. Suddenly, many thoughts came in my mind including tomorrow’s SAT test, finals, graduation, family, friends, pain, teeth, and many other things. In fact, I truly felt that everything was over, and I cried loudly. I was not ready to accept the truth. I did not understand why I had to be punished so badly. As I moved into training center, everyone was staring with the sense of sympathy. I was crying like a small kid in front of my friends who were encouraging me. I was terrified when I realized that my parents were staying thousands miles away from my place. My advisor and baseball coach took me to the hospital. We could not find an oral surgeon anywhere in New Hampshire and the doctor in Plymouth memorial hospital tried to make phone calls for hours. I was bleeding for almost 11 hours until I met an oral surgeon in Mass General hospital in Boston. I was exhausted, yet was happy to get operated. When I returned to school, I understood that eating food would be a problem. The days were miserable. I always had fever and pain. I was not able to sleep well and was far behind of schoolwork. Additionally, I had to go to emergency
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Community college reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Community college reflection - Assignment Example The faculty to student ratio is very low and therefore the classrooms are so small that students are able to get the attention of the professors for any challenge they encounter as well as feedback (Staley, 2011). This helps in boosting their knowledge and skills to get gainful employment as well as form a sound foundation for those endeavoring to attend university. The purpose of community colleges is to prepare students before they join college as well as empowering working adults to take part time specific courses while working. Although most community colleges have unique missions, the primary concept is based on their commitment to offer lifelong education, teaching, community service, and service to all society segments through fair treatment of the students. The breadth and relevance of program offered in community colleges is lower than that offered in universities since most of the students enrolled are credit students who need to boost their grades in order to be eligible for undergraduate courses. As such, the scope of their course lie between the high school and college level. Nevertheless, their program are highly relevant as they are sufficient in equipping local students with meaningful skills to handle employment. After my high school graduation, I enrolled for a certificate course in a community college for two years while awaiting to get admission to the university, since it would increase my chances of getting admission. I preferred the community college as it was low-cost compared to other colleges and the learning environment was very rewarding and fulfilling since I got to interact directly with the professors due to the small sizes of the classroom and the students were relatively
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Quality of Work Life of Cement Industry Essay Example for Free
Quality of Work Life of Cement Industry Essay Abstract Quality of work life is an important indicator and yardstick for any organization to measure its overall performance and overall satisfaction of its stakeholder‟s .Quality of work life comprises of several factors which are influencing the quality of work life in different dimensions. Quality of work life of this industry is concerned the safety, healthy work environment, adequate and fair compensation and social relevance are undedicated by the internal stakeholders (Employees).Also the lower level workers don‟t have ,that much amount of quality of work life that is why they don‟t have that much level of involvement in their company. Hence to bring-up the expected level of involvement of the employees they must be provided enough amount of training and they must be given on –par treatment while compare with the rest of the level of employees of their organization. Key words: Quality of work life Total life space, social relevance Quality of work life feeling stakeholders. Introduction Historically, cultural values about work have shifted greatly over the years. In ancient time work was performed only by slaves, The Renaissance and Reformation brought great changes in prevailing attitude towards work. Work acquired a moral dignity of its own. Work serves many purposes. The economic function of work for producing goods and services is its most obvious value. In return form of production the work is paid wages that enable the purchase of good, shelter, plus other needs and luxuries of life. But work serves other values as well. As part of social needs people are supplied at the work place, were they meet, and converse and share experiences. One‟s job connotes a certain social status both for the worker and his or her family. Work also contributes to an employee‟s self-esteem by reflecting a contribution to the work group, department and company. If a person is competent and meets his own personal and the boss‟ satisfaction expectations, this contributes to a sense of personal worth. Quality of Work Life (QWL) is a relatively new concept. It refers to the favorableness or unfavrableness of a job environment for people (Davis and Newstrom, 1985). Evolution of quality of work life Walton attributes the evolution of QWL to various phases in history. Legislation enacted in early 20th century to protect employees from job-injury and to eliminate hazardous working conditions, followed by the unionization movement in the 1930s and 1940s were the initial steps. Emphasis was given to „job security‟, due process at the work place and economic gains for the worker‟. The 1950s and the 1960s saw the development of different theories by psychologists proposing a „positive relationship between morale and productivity‟, and the possibility that improved human relations would lead to the enhancement of both. Attempts to reform and to acquire equal employment opportunities and job enrichment schemes also were introduced. Finally, in the 1970s the idea of QWL was conceived which according to Walton, is broader than these earlier developments and is something that must include „ the values that were at the heart of these earlier reform movements‟ and „human needs and aspirations‟(Walton, 1973). The modern interest in the quality of work life was stimulated through efforts to change the scope of people satisfaction job in attempting to motivate them (Tyagi 1997). The jobs should seek to employ higher skills of workers, improve their skills, and contribute to general Social advancement as well as programs that offer employees, the opportunity to purchase equity in their firms or programs that provide protection against arbitrary action for their supervisors (Robins, S. 1997). Criteria for quality of work life: It has been pointed out by Ted Mills that one of the problems with the tern is that â€Å"quality of work life†is not a single, specific notion. Rather, it subsumes a whole pass of terms and notions, all of which he feels really belong under the umbrella â€Å"quality of work life†: 1. Industrial Effectiveness 2. Human Resource Development 3. Organizational Effectiveness 4. Works Restructure 5. Job Enrichment 6. Organizational Restructure 7. Socio- Technical Systems 8. Work Humanization 9. Group work concept 10. Labour – management cooperation 11. Working together; work involvement; and worker participation 12. Cooperation work restructures Importance of Quality of Work Life: Quality work life is essentially the concept of favorable situation of a work environment. It is imperative in any type of organizations to ensure high productivity and involvement of employees in generation of goods and services of better quality. The global economy presents the organization with new challenges to be faced by the employees. To make it more imperative employee‟s involvement and commitment are required in achieving organizational goals. Such involvements and commitments could be secured only through improved quality of work life. Furthermore working life is regarded as a larger ecological complex of human resource. So ultimately the quality of working life of employees should be made better and pave the way for satisfied working conditions and make them involved in the growth of the organization. Review of Literature: Cohen. D.S (1979) Quality of work is a process of joint decision making, collaboration and building mutual respect between management and employee, which seems to cause a change in how people feel about labour their work and each other. It is this change in the human climate that quality advocated, maintains, increases satisfaction and facilitates better solution to management and production. Ekramul Hoque, M. and Alinoor Rahman (1999) They attempted to compare the QWL of industrial workers according to the nature of the organizations and to measure whether there is any significant relationship among quality of work life, job behaviour and demographic variables of the workers. The result revealed workers of private sector textile mills perceived significantly higher QWL than in the public sector; QWL has significant negative correlation with absenteeism and accident and QWL has significant positive correlation with performance. 3 Tambe M.R. (2000) In a broad sense QWL includes job enrichment group work concept, labour management cooperation, workers involvement, co-operative work environment and organizational industrial effectiveness. In a narrow sense it is a conductive and encouraging job and physical environment. Mentz (2001) conducted a study to determine the quality of work life of teachers in farm schools in South Africa. The sample consists of 60 teachers in 15 farm schools. Findings indicate that teachers in rural schools are generally satisfied with circumstances and enjoy teaching; they are satisfied with classroom size, physical facilities and teacher student relations. Topper (2008) The literature reviews of psychological and sociological studies of job satisfaction in general and specifically for library workers were under taken by Topper(2008). The investigation was primarily intended to measure the job satisfaction among library workers. It revealed that the library workers are very satisfied in their job. It also underlined the fa ct that job satisfaction should be the key factor for recruitment of the next generation library workers. Edwards, J.,Van laar ,D.L Easton ,S.(2009).Regular assessment of quality of work life can potentially provide organization with important information about the welfare of their employees, such as job satisfaction, general well-being, work related stress and the home-work interface. Objective To find out the existing level of Quality of Work Life perceived by the employees in cement industry Research methodology: Research Design The research design is an important yardstick and it is describing the properties of the proposed research with related to a particular domine. This article is concerned; the research design is descriptive in nature. This article is going to evaluate the existing level of quality of work life which is prevailing in cement industry at Ariyalur District. Survey and sampling method: The researcher is decided to deploy the primary data from the concerned indust ry [respondents] with the help of the data collection tool [questionnaire]. Apart from the primary data the required data‟s to enhance the quality of the article is to be collected from the secondary sources such as books, magazines and annual reports of the companies. The data which is to be collected from the respondents on random basis [simple random sampling]. The companies which are included in this survey are TANCEM, BIRLA and RAMCO. The sample size which is a determined for the study is 300 from all three companies. Statistical tool used: The collected data which is analyzed with the help of ANOVA. Analysis and Interpretation: Quality of Work Life (QWL) includes a host of issues ranging from occupational safety and health, job training, retraining, educational opportunities to society recreational facilities and childcare. QWL is a process of work organizations, which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and efficiency in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes.
Friday, November 15, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- English Literature Ame
The Great Gatsby The main theme of the novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby†focuses on the American Dream and it is portrayed through the life of Jay Gatsby. Through Gatsby’s life we see the withering of the American Dream, a tragedy that struck Jay’s near finished dream. The American Dream is what many have hoped of achieving, it has existed in the past and is in the present. The American Dream gives people a goal that they can work towards, it also gives them a purpose in life. The American Dream represents luxury and wealth it believes the goodness of the quality of life. For Jay Gatsby, he was so close to achieving the American Dream. He had the wealth and the class, all he needed was his long lost love, Daisy. Gatsby truly believed that he could once again be together with Daisy we see this when he says "Can't repeat the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can" (P. 116). However what made the story such a tragedy was that Gatsby came so close to wining Daisy however h e was killed by Mr. Wilson which he was just inches away from successfully completing the American Dream. In the past, only a small amount of the American Dream turned out to be successful, most have failed. Many people who did not achieve the American Dream ended up committing suicide or other means of giving up on life because they believe there was no other purpose in life. Gatsby represent the American Dream in many ways, in order to accomplish his Dream he knew exactly what he desired, when Jay met Dan Cody at the shore of Lake Superior, Dan shown him a vision of success a vision of what wealth would offer, the excitement of being rich. Jay Gatsby has an ambitious nature, there for he would do anything just to live the American Dream. He started by building a past, he changed his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby in an attempt to construct a foundation for his dream. He then composed an image for Jay Gatsby, a well gentleman who was born in the west, educated at oxford and fought in World War I. Gatsby was then able to attain a great deal of money working with Meyer Wolfsheim. He then bought a huge mansion in the â€Å"West Egg†, however he would throw extravagant parties in hoping of attracting his long lost love Daisy, the one who he had an affair with before he went to the war. Nick describes Gatsby’s feelings about Daisy: "He hadn't once ceased looking at Daisy and I think t... ...d him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night" (P. 167) He believed that god would justify his actions since god is watching through the eyes of Dr. Eckleberg. So he shot Jay Gatsby whom he thought Myrtle was having an affair with, then he shot himself.      All things said, I think the hope of the American Dream is more than hard to achieve. Not everyone can find that perfect soul mate and not everyone can stay wealthy for a long period. Especially during this revolutionary century, money is easily earned but also easily lost. I think for many people the American Dream is a purpose for life, a difficult goal for ambitious people like Gatsby to reach. Personally, I do not believe this, I believe that we should live a mediocre life, so that our whole life is even. Unlike how some people work three quarters of their life to enjoy that one quarter life of the American Dream. In the end you will lose all your friends and perhaps even your life if you don’t succeed. To me the moral of the book meant enjoy your life while it lasts, you only have so much time to enjoy it.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
My Father’s Death
My Father’s Death I had always thought that all little girls had the same dream as me. Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of the day that I would get married; the most important moment would be walking down the aisle by the arm of my father. My father is one of the most important persons in my life. He is my hero, my motivation, my everything. It never passed through my mind that I would have to struggle with many difficult phases at such a young age. When I started to attend middle school, I lived in Matamoros. My first day of classes in middle school was different.It was different because the person who always dropped me off at school on my first day was not with me, â€Å"my father. †My father could not be with me because he had just started getting sick. He had some problems with his liver. His body threw away the proteins as well his blood. I remember the first time he threw up blood; that moment my mom became very worried, and nervous. I was just 13 years old when this incident happened and it was just a few days before I started my first day of middle school. During this time, we had our first visit to the hospital, and most of the visits to the hospital were for blood transfusions.After three years, when I graduated from middle school and my father was a little bit better, I decided to move to San Benito to start high school. I lived in San Benito with my father’s brother, Jose, for just six weeks because I had some problems with my relatives, so I moved to Brownsville. There I lived with my father’s sister my aunt Laura. It was more difficult to make a drastic change in less than two months. I had to adapt to Brownsville. They were two different towns and it took me more time to adapt to living without my parents and my two brothers; I lived with my uncle and my aunt because my parents are not U.S. citizens and they did not have a visa. School in San Benito was easier for me; in contrast, Brownsville’s schools were more difficult. It was weird that people in San Benito spoke Spanish. While on the other hand Brownsville spoke English, even though it is closer to Mexico than San Benito. In the end, it helped me a lot because I do not know all the English language very well, but what I know it’s thanks to that. I just lived for eight months with my aunt Laura. So the following three years of High School, I stared to cross the bridge every single day.Before I got back to school from summer vacation I started noticing that my dad was feeling sick again, and I heard my mom crying and saying that my dad had cancer. I was not supposed to know this, but I was behind the door. At the beginning of 2007, my father started complaining about a pain in his coccyx. When my dad went to the doctor, he told the doctor that he felt something was hurting him in his back. The doctor did not pay too much attention to that but every time that my dad went to see him, he said the same information.My dad st arted attending some therapies in order to take away the pain; unfortunately they were in vain because we started noticing that the cancer had increased, and he was getting sicker every day. That year my summer was too long and very exhausting because my dad was in the hospital for almost two months. He went into surgery for his pain in his coccyx, but after the operation, he said that he felt pain in one of his legs, which we thought that was produced by the surgery. When he got out of the hospital, he could not walk or sit down anymore. All he could do was just lay in bed.It changed our lives tremendously. My senior year in school began. I just had to pass the science section of the test. At this time I had to divide my time into my personal time, taking care of my dad, doing homework, and helping my mom in the store and cleaning the house. I almost went insane; I did not have a life. When time for TAKS came around, it was peculiar that my dad got in critical conditions but just i n the day that I had to take the Science one. I even thought that my dad had to die in order for me to pass my test; ironically it became true.As days passed by, I got tired from crossing the bridge. When I am talking about crossing the bridge every single day a person whose does not have a life like mine can not imagine what it is like to really wait in a line of at least one hour. I have to wake up early in the morning, and the weather sometimes was cloudy, rainy, windy, or cold. Besides all this, I had to take the city bus to get to school. It was fine for me but sometimes the bus was late or if the bus broke down they took us in a van but the problem was that they gave preference to the elderly instead of the students.It is a chaos to have or to live a situation like this. In September, my father had his first encephalopathy: he was in a comma, but had no ventilator. He was in that critical state just for a week the first time. The day that he woke up, my nephew was born, and he did not remember anything except that. During the Thanksgiving holiday, the situation in my house became more intensive. My dad was in his last phase. One day before Thanksgiving, he entered his second and last encephalopathy and never woke again. The last word that he yelled was â€Å"Manue,†my mom’s name, and he went in again into a critical state.I felt that my world and my life were going down; I felt sadness, fear, and hopelessness, etc. On Saturday, the priest came and put Holy Oils on my father. After that my mom said that my dad could die at any moment; she said I had to be prepared for whatever was going to happen. I started to pray in front of his bed and I said â€Å"Dear God: I’m very thankful to you because you gave me the most wonderful father that a girl can have. If it is your decision to take my father with you, I will accept it. I know it will be difficult but I know you’ll never let me give up.Amen†That night was the longest n ight I ever had; I kissed my father for the last time. The next day was Sunday; my family started arriving to my house because we saw that my father was in his last stage and that at any moment he could die. At 10 A. M. he was had some convulsions my mom, my brothers and I started to pray; at 11:25 A. M. he died in my house. I dropped myself into his body and I stared crying and saying â€Å"Porque te lo llevaste? †(Why did you take him? ). I could not believe that my dad had gone. I felt that everything would not be the same, that my life would stop in all senses.During the funeral I always thought that it was easy to receive the condolence; but the reality was the opposite. The thoughts that passed through my mind in that time was that my dad was on a trip and that he would be back soon. When I got near to the coffin I realize that it was true that he died. In the funeral I never cried. I contained the desire to cry. After the funeral passed I did not want to return to scho ol because I thought that it did not have sense to continue with my future if my dad was not with me supporting me.After a week, I returned to school. I had to go back to my life even though my heart was bleeding and felt empty. I passed my TAKS, exactly like I said it would happen; my father had to die in order for me to pass and graduate from High School. It was difficult to handle but I had to learn to live with this pain in my heart and make myself the idea that he is in a better place, without pain, where there is no suffering, that he is in the God’s hands. I passed all my classes and in June 9th, 2008 I graduated from High School.That day was one of the most important in my life and I know that my dad feels proud of me. In the Fall I stared college and now I am in my second semester. Now I understand that I was wrong when I thought that my life had to stop. Now my dad is my motivation to continue with my studies, my career and my life. Thank you daddy!! This experience helped me mature as a person. My father will always be my motivation, even though I still dream with that important day. I know that if I get married my dad will be with me inside of my heart walking down the aisle as if he were by my side holding my arm.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Stalin: man or monster?
Source A is very different to sources B and C. Stalin is shown standing by pyramids ‘visit Russia's pyramids'. The picture is symbolising the results of Stalin's policies in which many people died. Stalin is showing no emotion. Sources B and C are very similar in that they are both showing Stalin as a popular, liked man. In source B it shows him with some of the workers on a hydro-electric power station. Stalin looks very relaxed and casual standing with his hand in one pocket and holding his pipe. However, the painting is an official soviet painting so it was probably manipulated to make Stain look good with happy workers. Source C was taken by a soviet photographer so the picture was probably planned on purpose to show Stalin's popularity and to make it look like all the people adore him. Sources B and C give very similar impressions of Stalin, showing him as a loved man. Whereas source A gives the impression that he is a monster. Source D is a speech written by a writer to the congress of soviets in 1935. The speech was published in Pravda, the paper of the communist party. The fact that it was published in Russia in 1935 already tells us that this source has probably been manipulated in some way to make Stalin look better. The only reason people would lie about him is because they were terrified of him so they had no choice but to suck up to him or face execution. This article does show us how Stalin had many people terrified and you can see this in the source because of how fake and obsessed the writer is. However because of the purges most of the stuff written about him was propaganda. Therefore meaning the information is of little use as it is purely either opinion or fake. I believe that the fact Bukharin's speech is written after becoming a victim of the purges and the fact it's written in Paris, where he is out of Stalin's control makes his assessment more reliable. The writer expresses his anger and hatred towards Stalin. Yet I think the reason Bukharin's assessment is reliable is the fact that he was very close to Stalin in helping him against Trotsky. Nonetheless he then fell into disagreement with him and he became a victim of the purges, but managed to escape to Paris, in exile out of Stalin's reach, meaning he can not be caught and punished. Khrushchev's speech is talking about how distrustful and truthfully scared Stalin was. This assessment does match others in saying how terrorising and malicious Stalin could be. For instance, the purges were an example of how Stalin would block any threats and oppositions by destroying them. Furthermore the fact that the speech was delivered in 1956 after Stalin's reign also makes the speech more likely to be accurate and trustworthy. Source G is showing Stalin as the judge prosecuting 4 defendants. They are all sarcastically admitting what they have done as they know even if they plea ‘not guilty' they will still be sentenced. The fact they will be sentence no matter what is shown in the background of the picture where you can see the gallows. Source H shows Stalin in the court, but in every position or role. This illustrates how Stalin manipulated everyone in the soviet party. Stalin was in effect, the Judge, the Jury, the Witness, the Clerk and the prosecutor. They were called ‘show trials' for a reason, that they were for show. The defendant was already a ‘dead man' before he had entered the court. The trial was purely so Stalin could say, ‘I gave them a chance'. Both sources are very similar in that they both give the same message, that Stalin was always in charge and that there would always be the same outcome in the verdict. Source I is from a biography of Stalin published in 1947 in Russia. This shows that what was written was probably fake or inaccurate as it was during the purges, meaning that the author had the fear of execution. Source J on the other hand was written in 1974 in Britain long after Stalin's rule. This means what is said about him is more likely to be true as there would be no fear of being prosecuted. Also the cold war was going on in 1974 so Britain was fighting against Russia. Yet I believe this could mean that the assessment is exaggerated because of Britain's dislike towards Russia at the time. Although we know they both disagree about Stalin we deduce this because of when and where they were written and our knowledge of what would happen to people who spoke out about Stalin. Most of the evidence shown in the sources points to Stalin as being a monster. After studying and analysing sources, A, D, E, F, G, H, and J, they all show or explain how evil, malicious and cruel Stalin was. It is only sources, B, C, D and I, which are either praising or supporting him and this is only because the artists or writers are either terrified or their assessments have been manipulated in some way from fear of execution. Different sources of information I have read indicate that Stalin was a monster For instance, to start with Stalin stated his 5 year plans. They consisted of different aims: to provide machinery and other equipment to farmers, to catch up with the western world so they were less dependant on industrial goods from other countries and finally to produce more armaments so that Russia could defend itself from attack. Although these aims sounded good they never actually happened. Stalin then introduced the purges. This was simply to a way to get rid of any opposition or threats. Stalin would find someone that had been opposing him in someway (even if it was that they spoke better than he did). He would then have them put on trial (know as show trails) and they would be found guilty and executed, hence out of Stalin's way. The Purges claimed over 10 million people's lives. Collectivisation was introduced for people in each village to join their farms together to make one large collective farm (Kolkhoz). Every one as a whole would then be able to afford the machinery and be more efficient. Because no-one listened there was a famine so Stalin made collectivisation compulsory. Peasants hated the idea so killed all their livestock and burned all their crops. Those who had done what Stalin said proved that collectivisation had worked and that numbers in cows and grain had gone up approximately 10 million in 25 years, but it is debateable whether this was a huge success, to the extent that many lives were ruined and many livestock and crops destroyed. Stalin had many people employed to work on building dams and bridges. However, many of the workers were slaves and kulaks. Strikers were shot, and wreckers could be executed or imprisoned. Thousands died from accidents, starvation or weather. Housing and wages were terrible; they would have to do a certain amount of work in their shift or they would go without food. Stalin's 5 year plans also came into this, he would often set an aim to complete a dam in 1 year, then when it was finished he would congratulate the workers and say ‘as you did so well, you have two more dams to do in the same amount of time'. This would then continue on and on. On the other hand, it could be argued that there were things that Stalin did during his reign that did benefit Russia. During the war Stalin helped by co-ordinating the arms production and making sure everyone was fully equipped. He was also very good at bringing everyone together and motivating people to fight for their country. Although collectivisation was not a huge success it did increase some of the numbers of livestock and grain farmers were producing, which arguably means that the idea did work. He did also have some other achievements, such as: Turkestan-Siberian railroad, the Dneiper dam and the Belomor canal. Some of the sources do support Stalin and show him as an adored man. Even though we have been looking at how most of the assessments are likely to of been manipulated, Stalin would have had some followers that were with him and supported him when some of the pictures were taken. Throughout Stalin's reign there were many things that he did that were horrific and malicious that did make him a real monster and from the research that I have collected I believe him to be just that, yet there were some things that he did for Russia that were in his favour, the main one being that he did, at a heavy cost, bring Russia foreword along way, and that did make his seem like a real man.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Impact of the Olympics on Greenwich Park Essays
The Impact of the Olympics on Greenwich Park Essays The Impact of the Olympics on Greenwich Park Essay The Impact of the Olympics on Greenwich Park Essay Greenwich Park is one of the oldest and most historic parks in the UK: it is one of Britains 33 World Heritage Sites, and is the only urban park in the UK to be such a site (Jennings, 2001). This fact, combined with the amenities and tourist attractions it provides, makes it one of the most important sites in London, and the UK in general. As a result of this historic important and the existing status as a major tourist attraction, Greenwich Park was chosen as a site for the London 2012 Olympic Games. However, this decision has created controversy, with arguments that the facilities for the Games will cause long term damage to the park and the surrounding area. As such, this piece will examine the history of Greenwich Park, its current status both within London and the wider UK, and how the plans for the Olympics, and after the Olympics, will affect the park. This will be achieved via reviews of the literature, a survey of the attitudes at students at Edinburgh and the users of the park, and a cost benefit analysis of the plans to use Greenwich for the Olympics. This methodology has been selected because it allows triangulation between the three sources of data: secondary desk research, primary survey research, and the cost benefit analysis (Saunders et al, 2007). In addition, the survey, whilst brief, will allow for a broad range of data to be collected, which will help direct the literature review and the cost benefit analysis in relevant directions. Greenwich was originally settled around the time of the ancient Romans, with its proximity to the Thames and the view afforded from the top of the hill making it a desirable and relatively secure location. However, the park truly came to prominence when it was inherited by the Duke of Gloucester, brother of the king, in 1427. Henry VIII was born in Greenwich, along with his two daughters, which truly cemented the importance of the park to England. The current layout was created in the 1600s, when the tree lined avenues were created, and the Queens House was built around the same time, by the wife of James I of England, the first of the Stuart monarchs. The Stuarts further enhanced the park, with Charles commissioning Sir Christopher Wren to build The Royal Observatory, taking advantage of the clear views of the sky from the top of the hill. Greenwich became world famous following Britains rise to naval prominence in the 19th century, and Nevil Maskelynes accurate measurements of time based on observations of lunar distances from Greenwich. As such, Greenwich Mean Time became the most accurate measure of time until the development of the atomic clock, and helped lead to Greenwich becoming a World Heritage Site in 1997 (Jennings, 2001). Today, Greenwich Park is primarily used as an amenity for people living in the local area, people from further afield, and also the students who study at the nearby University of Greenwich. The park is the oldest enclosed Royal Park in the UK, as well as being one of the largest parks in South East London, making it a key part of the region. The views from the hilltop include the City of London, the River Thames, Canary Wharf and the O2. In addition, Greenwich Park contains several of the most important historic buildings in London, including the former Royal Observatory and the Queens House, as well as the National Maritime Museum and the Royal Naval College. The picturesque setting and prevalence of historic buildings also make Greenwich Park, and Greenwich in general, one of the UKs main film locations; particularly for period dramas. Most notable, a significant portion of the TV adaptation of Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility was filmed in the Park (Jennings, 2001). The important historic nature of Greenwich Park, together with its picturesque nature and status as a tourist attraction, led to it being included as a venue for the Olympic Games in London in 2012. The park will be where the equestrian and show jumping events are held, as well as where the cross country and riding aspects of the modern pentathlon will take place. As part of this, a temporary cross country track will be constructed in the park, as well as a temporary stadium for up to 23,000, within the National Maritime Museum (London2012. com). These plans have raised some concerns amongst local residents that the construction of the stadium and track will result in significant and long term damage to the park and many of its trees and facilities. In particular, the fact that Greenwich Park is the only urban park in the UK designated as a World Heritage Site has led some to claim that it is not suitable as a venue for such a large and damaging event (Gilligan, 2008).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
14 Last Minute ACT Tips You Should Use
14 Last Minute ACT Tips You Should Use SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Wondering what you can do to boost your performance on the ACT with only a couple days to prepare? Here are some last minute ACT tips that will help raise your scores and keep you at your best during the test. General Last Minute Studying Tips Ideally, you'll want to start studying for the ACT long before your exam date in order to be fully prepared for the test. However, last minute studying can also be helpful for learning some final pieces of information and being fully prepared for exam day. If you're studying right before the ACT, you should spend your remaining time wisely. Follow these tips to ensure that the extra effort pays off! Tip 1: Focus on Correcting Your Mistakes It’s easy to take a bunch of practice tests and not bother withanalyzing your incorrect answers, but you won't improve much that way.Now is the time to focus in on topic areas that are particularly problematic for you. You might choose to target just one section of the test and drill down into the reasons you have difficulty with certain types of questions.For each question, make sure you understand why your answer was incorrect and the route you should have taken to arrive at the correct choice. Tip 2: Check Your Timing You don’t need to go through a whole practice test, but you should have a general sense of how you've been pacing yourself so the real test doesn’t take you by surprise.How long do 30 seconds and a minute feel to you?This will help you be a better judge of when you need to move on in the real test environment. Since there's so much time pressure on the ACT, this can make a big difference in your scores. Day of the Test Follow these tips the morning of your ACT to ensure you start the test prepared and on the right foot. Tip 3: Sleep Well, Wake Up Early Go to bed early the night before the test to control for any trouble you might have falling asleep because of nerves.Plan to get seven to nine hours of sleep, and wake up at least an hour before you have to leave for the test. This way your brain will be firing on all cylinders by the time you get there! Tip 4: Eat Breakfast Eat something protein-filled that will give you sustained energy but not make you sluggish. If you normally don’t like eating breakfast,try a granola bar or a handful of nuts. Drink coffee if you usually drink it to stay awake - now probably isn’t the time to kick a caffeine addiction.Don’t drink coffee if you’re not used to it because it could actually make you anxious and less focused on the test. Tip 5: Dress for Success This means the opposite of what it usually means because you should dress as comfortably as possible.Bring layers so you don’t get distracted by being too hot or too cold. Also, pack up everything you need for the test the night before so you don’t forget anything (especially if you're not a morning person!). There are no crayons allowed on the ACT. You may now weep for your childhood. During the Test This is the real deal. Keep these tips in mind while you're taking the ACT to help you out during the exam. Tip 6: Keep Calm and Test On Take it one question at a time, and don’t get discouraged when you can’t figure out an answer.Just skip the question and move forward. Getting worked up will only take away from your focus and hurt your scores. Tip 7: Skip Difficult Questions If you find yourself floundering on a question, skip it and come back to it at the end of the section. There'sa lot of time pressureon the ACT.If you find you’ve spent more than a minute on a question in the Math, Reading, or Science section, move on and come back to it later.In the English section, don’t spend more than 30 seconds trying to figure out any one question before you move on. Don't risk running out of time before you get to every question - you could miss easier points down the road. Tip 8: Check Your Answers If you have time at the end of a section, don’t waste it.Go back and check over your answers to make sure you’re not missing any easily fixable goofs that could happen if you rush through questions. Also make sure all the bubbles on your answer sheet are filled in.Remember, there's no penalty for incorrect answers on the ACT, so you have nothing to lose by guessing. Tip 9: Take Breaks You get two breaks on the ACT assuming you’re taking it with the writing section.The first is between Math and Reading, and the second is between Science and the essay. Take advantage of the breaks to clear your mind, use the bathroom, or eat a snack. You’ll feel better prepared for the rest of the test. Tip 10: If You Take the ACT With Writing, Make Your Essay Clear and Concise Your essay should be pretty formulaic: introduction, three paragraphs, conclusion.Give concrete examples for each of the points in your argument, and make sure your thesis is clearly spelled out in the introduction. Try and make your essay around two pages long (or at least more than a page) because there’s a positive correlation between essay length and score. Tip : Go Guerrilla Warfare on This Test Think of it this way: The ACT is a well organized, regimented army and you’re a ragtag band of misfits using whatever tactics you can to outsmart it. Here’s some relevant info about each section that will help you: English When in doubt, go for the more concise answer.Follow grammar rules, and don’t overthink things. Math Use your calculator as a resource, and make use of the diagrams. If you are trying to figure out an angle or the area of a shape and you’re stumped, choose the answer that seems most logical based on the image. If you find yourself doing complex math, check yourself before continuing.The concepts being tested are fairly simple and should not require elaborate calculations.Look through these formulas, and make sure you know how to use them before the test! This is an example of what you won't be doing on ACT Math. Reading Skim first, then read the questions. You can read more in depth later when the questions point to specific parts of the passage. Try not to overanalyze things: if the evidence for the answer isn't right there in the passage, it’s not the correct answer. Don’t be fooled by answers that are â€Å"almost†correct. Science ACT Science is essentially about logical reasoning, not knowledge of scientific facts (though some basic science knowledge is helpful).Don’t get overwhelmed by a bunch of numbers and terms you don’t understand. This is designed to distract you from getting down to the relatively simple concepts at the core of the sample experiments. Remember, it’s much easier than it looks at first! After the Test Even after you've finished the exam there are still some tips to keep in mind to ensure you send your best ACT scores to schools. Tip 12: Be Aware: You Can Cancel Your Scores If you're really worried about your scores because you know something went horribly wrong on the test, you are allowed to cancel them. For advice on whether you should cancel your scores and how to go about doing so, read this article. Tip 13: Taking the Test Again? Consider the Test Information Release If you know you're going to take the ACT again, you should think about ordering Test Information Release, a service the ACT offers for you to review your scores in more detail. This can be a very useful studying toolbecause it will show you your weak spots in a real test environment. For more information on TIR, read this article. Tip 14: Chill Out It's important to give yourself time to decompress and relax after the test! Don't stress out too much about what may have gone wrong. It’s out of your hands now, and your time and energy are much better spent doing other things that you enjoy for the rest of the weekend. What's Next? Are you trying to decide whether to take the ACT again? This guide will help you make a choice. Then you can figure out which upcoming test date is right for you. If you want to get a head start on studying, check out these study plans for sophomores and juniors, rising seniors, and our complete plan for all students. You should also figure out your target score so you know how far to plan ahead. Also check out our guides for how to get a greatscoreon each section of the ACT for more specific tips! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Three types of destruction myths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Three types of destruction myths - Essay Example According to them, the world will face a time of destruction and at that time, the Gods will have a battle against all the evils and giants of the world. According to the myth, the world will have three consecutive winters whereby conflict will arise in all parts of the world. People will start fighting amongst themselves, families will break, and all codes of morality will be broken. The wolf skull will destroy the moon and his brother Hati will eat the moon, which will push the world into complete darkness leaving no stars in the sky. Three cocks will be found who will crow to the giants, Gods and the dead. Natural calamities such as earthquakes will destroy the world and these will free the wolf known as â€Å"Fenrir†(Lindemans, 1999). A serpent will twist the seas and make his way to the land where he will spread his poison and will crash the waves against a ship called Naglfar and all the giants will come towards the battlefield. The dead will rise again and the inhabita nts of hell will return. A giant called the Surt will set the world on fire. Meanwhile, a horn will be blown inviting all the Gods and the giants to the battlefield. The Gods, evils, and giants from all over the world will gather to fight and the battle will begin. The poison of Surt will be spread and kill many Gods like that of thunder.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Alcan write up Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Alcan write up - Case Study Example Some of the trends in its mergers and acquisitions are indications of this. However, the company has not sought to benefit from operational synergies that are available to it. Organizing Model – In this model several business unit or process leaders in the company make there own decisions. This is akin to a feudal system. This indicates that a decentralized approach is taken towards the organization and management of resources. Architecture – The IT governance style appears to be that of anarchy as each user group pursues its own IT agenda. This has resulted in over 1000 applications. Of this over 400 relates to finance. This has been that way even as the CFO as head of Corporate IT. Standards – The governance style of anarchy prevails as there are really no set standards to follow. The various user groups in each business unit appear to do as they please without any regard for what is happening in similar areas in the organization. Resources – Each business unit decides on the resources that it needs. No attempt is made to determine if the competencies exist in the organization. As a result 80% of IT budget is spent on outsourcing, equipment and software. This would seem to imply that with all the mergers and acquisitions the competencies in IT has not improved but has only gotten worst. Governance is structured in this way at Alcan because after mergers and acquisitions take place the companies basically retain their identity as separate business units. There is no attempt to benefit from economies of scale in terms of merging similar IT projects. Thus on Ouelette’s arrival three separate SAP implementation were taking place at the same time. The advantages of this type of decentralized structure are that: it allows the CIO to concentrate on key IT decisions; and the business unit executives are free to carry out their management function as they were used to before the merger. They operate as before the merger and
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