Thursday, December 26, 2019
Pan-Europa Foods Case Analysis - 1071 Words
Pan-Europa Foods Case Analysis Executive Summary Pan Europa foods is a European producer of yogurt, ice cream, bottled water, and fruit juice. With stagnant gross sales and decreasing stock value, the company needs to increase its net income and increase confidence in its shareholders to avoid a takeover. With this in mind, the company decides to allocate $80 million Euros out of its $656 million asset base to capital spending in investment projects. There are currently 11 proposals on the table totaling $208 million from which the Senior Management Committee must choose from. Currently the company has two financial measures to determine if projects are economically sufficient for the firm, minimum acceptable IRR and maximum†¦show more content†¦The effluent project can be evaluated with non-quantitative methods, such as factoring in the positive or negative image of the brand as a result with compliance or non-compliance with the environmental regulations. In quantitative terms, the firm would be incurring less of a loss if it paid $4 million now opposed to $10 million later. 3.) Aspects of the projects that could invalidate the above ranking: * Customer’s perception of the brand as a result of the project * Uncertainty of results * Availability of Resources * Government Regulations * Whether it aligns with the firm’s goals The firm can correct for each of the following factors: * Time value of money use NPV * Unequal Lifetimes use equivalent annuity * Riskiness increase required rate of return for riskier projects * Size use profitability ratio 4.) Reconsideration of projects in terms of: * â€Å"Must Do†– The effluent water project is a â€Å"must-do†because the firm will be required to comply with environmental regulations in the future. * Elements of riskiness – The uncertainty in a project’s outcome, in terms of the final cost and expected results can implyShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis Pan Europa Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesCase Study PAN EUROPA FOODS S.A C. Opitz and R.F. Bruner By Your Name Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Executive Summary: The report is to provide the shareholders with the firm’s capital budget for the new year, 1993. 11 projects will be examined and discussed. Projects will be chosen based on the most needed and urgent projects and based onRead MorePan Europa s Main Issues1602 Words  | 7 PagesII. Issue Identification Pan-Europa’s main issues can be divided into three parts, the first and most important being their financial struggle. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Problem Of Social Media - 1828 Words
In today’s society there is a vast amount of information about anything you would like to research. It is easy for many of us to become over stimulated on whichever avenue we choose. Be it the news, social media, or just plain research, everyday people tend to get lost in the vacuum of internet life and lose sight of major life affecting issues. With all the distractions in today’s current society of comical videos, informative research or horrifying/distracting news stories the children are sometimes overlooked when it comes to proper/moral parenting. This issue of distraction is in direct relation to a major problem in parenting in the 21st century. One problem in particular is the catastrophe of child support fraud. Drug traffickers (Cartels), their henchman and deadbeat drug addicted parents are the only parties benefiting from the way the current system of child support is setup. This issue can be severely overhauled by mandating that every person who is a recipien t of child support should be required to drug screening. The ease of child support recipients manipulating the child support system in the state of Virginia is awakening. The current system in Virginia regarding child support is abused on many levels due to drugs. Drug abuse among child support recipients cannot be accurately recorded due to the underground nature of this issue and also not much mainstream attention on this exact issue. It is harder to research this particular matter because of privacyShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Social Media928 Words  | 4 Pageskeep us connected to a never ending supply of distant connection. Social media is the source of many problems in our society. One of the problems is the lack of communication in a relationship. 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Indeed, many have argued that people spend more time in â€Å"mass-mediated†interaction than in actual human interaction. The mass media, then, would seemingly be an excellent position to initiate social change, positively affect social problems, and help combat social ills that are considered normal patterns of behavior. Yet, the mass media has largelyRead MoreProblems With Social Media Essay1343 Words  | 6 PagesProblems with Social Media Social media or any other type of social networking can be harmful. There are many studies showing that social media may help our society, but they don’t tell you any of the problems being caused by social media. One of the main problems occurring are cyberbullies. Cyberbullies are bullies over the internet that try to harm people with rude or hateful messages and even misuse personal information. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Qualitative Research Two Dead Frankfurts and a Blob of Sauce
Question: Discuss about the Critique of the Qualitative Research Two Dead Frankfurts and a Blob of Sauce. Answer: Justification of the Title The title of the research paper Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce: The serendipity of receiving nutrition and hydration in Australian residential aged care is a little distinctive and unique although it captures the essence of the research very well (Bernoth, Dietsch Davies, 2014). Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce encompass the quality of food served in the RAC (residential aged care) services whereas the very word serendipity connotes with a sense of accidental discovery, chance or luck that perfectly describes the lack of certainty in the provision of nutrition and fluid for the aged persons in Australian residential aged care homes. Validation of the Abstract The abstract of the study is well divided into background, methods, findings and conclusion parts underpinning the key theme of each of the topics in the study effectively. In the summary of the background, the abstract clearly states the topic of the research and that how it has been conducted, through two distinct yet consistent research projects carried out in 2009 and 2011 mentioning the participants too (Bernoth et al., 2014 , p. 2). The methods and findings have also been fittingly summarized, while the conclusion part includes the implication of the findings. However, the abstract of the conclusion does not hold any point on where the serendipity of the aged people to have good food and hydration in the aged care homes lies. Although this point is a part of conclusion chapter, the abstract fails to mention it. Substantiating the Introduction The major drawback of the introduction chapter is that the study does not separate the literature review from the background of the study and the opinions gathered from the relevant literature have been inscribed under the heading of introduction. In fact, the introduction of the study is merely the background stated briefly, whereas an ideal introduction of the research papers should specify the context in detail . Alongside, the introduction chapter fails to clarify the research questions or the research objectives that are essential to write any standard research paper (Martin et al., 2016). Here, the readers are in darkness about the research objectives of the researchers and this makes the paper a little vague. Moreover, the introduction chapter neither specifies any problem statement nor states the purpose of the study. Without the problem statement, the readers will not be able to comprehend the importance of the study and the significance of the topic. For an ideal introduction, it is important to make the readers familiar with problem statement, research purpose, hypothesis and assumption of the research beforehand. However, in this study, after the brief description of the background, the literature review starts abruptly and thus, the Introduction do not provide a strong foundation of the study that it is expected to do. Commenting on the Literature Review Literature reviews are obligatory to any research conducted as a perfect synopsis of the existing relevant literature provides the readers with an understanding how the study they are going through adjust in the wider context (Aveyard, 2014)). For an instance, the literature review of this study about the serendipity of aged persons to receive proper nutrition and hydration in the residential age care homes describes the amount of nutrition the aged people have been accustomed with when they were young. The way Bemoth, Dietsch and Davies (2014) have drawn the matter of nutrition in historical context, sets the platform for the readers to understand where the aged care homes are lacking. The literature effectively mentions, Food has meaning, memories and traditions and these become more significant to those in residential aged care and that Mealtimes are one aspect of the day that residents should be able to anticipate (Chisholm, Jensen Field 2011, p. 165). The literature review is a lso effective in the sense this offers a deeper understanding on the topic of food and nutrition; in the very first line of the literature review it reveals that it is the companionship of meal sharing enhances the nutritional status of older people (Vesnaver Keller, 2011, p.2). The periodical analysis of food and changes in food habits occurred in Australia described in the literature review helps the audience to anticipate the sufferings and dilemma of the aged people in the RAC services. An ideal literature review will implicitly begin to justify the choice of subject of the research and looking at this study it can be said that the literature review is never off the track and repeatedly, after every revelation from the literature, the authors try to return to their subject topic (Bernoth et al., 2014). The literature clearly shows that although, in their youth, the aged people were accustomed with food rationing during World War II but that had a specific purpose, to contribute to the effort of war (Lim et al., 2014). Now, in the RAC services, the restrictions in food happen on the part of the aged people themselves due to lonely dining room and poor quality food experience. Thus, the literature review, giving an insight to the happy days of the aged people, adds to the sense of misery. The ending part of this section provides a grim idea how malnourishment can become deadly for the aged people and presents an alarming statistics of malnourished aged persons where almost half of the population residing in the aged care homes are under the threat of malnutrition. Therefore, the critique of literature review shows that to explore the serendipity of receiving nutrition for the aged people, the literature review has been effective in providing a good deal of research on the past food experiences of the aged people (Griffiths et al., 2014). Moreover, the multiplicity of literature used by the authors of this study has enriched the secondary research with knowledge and relevant statistical information. Verifying the Methodology The research methodology is referred to the science of conducting a research systematically to fulfill the objectives (Creighton, Davison Kissane, 2016). Under the methodology section, the researcher offers a brief description of the various steps that are to be followed while conducting the research. Looking at the methodology of this study, it can be seen that in the very beginning, purposes of the first and second research project have been specified. This is indeed a great beginning of the methodology chapter as the readers get to know the context of the previously done researches based on which the present study is to proceed. The first project done in 2009 attempted to explore what the friends and the families, who have some near and dear ones in the aged care homes feel about the RAC services. The purpose of the second project significantly inspects the impact on the communities, friends and the families when the aged persons had to depart their remote and rural communities to avail the RAC services. However, it is little unusual that the methodology section describes the implications of the projects conducted and that in both of the research projects, what difficulties the participants had spoken of (Street et al., 2015, 520). This should have been appropriately mentioned in the findings section. Moreover, the methodology section does not clarify what methods the research is to adopt. Although it has been stated that for both the research projects interviews have been conducted, it is never clearly mentioned that the researchers have adopted qualitative analysis method. However, the verification of the methodology should concentrate on whether the followed methods are appropriate for the research. In this context of the study, the adopted research methods are appropriate, as the research problem is rather subjective and hence, taking interviews are the most suitable measure for this. Analysis of Data Collection and Data Analysis Method Participants of the interviews were employed through the CSU media release making the public aware of the opportunity to participate in the project. However, taking up interviews and recruiting participants in this way leaves a question on the authenticity of the accounts told by the participants since no confirmatory step has been taken by the researchers to authenticate the documents (Beattie et al. 2014, p. 60). The interviews were audio-taped and thereafter transcribed precisely to structure the in-depth and unstructured interviews that lasted for one or two hours long. The notable part of the data collection process is that the transcribed interviews were sent to the respective interviewees to cross check the information noted down before the proceedings of data analysis (Bernoth et al., 2014). This ensured the validity of the data analysis conducted. The data analysis, on the other hand, was conducted following the thematic investigation method, which is the best-fitted one for this study due to the subjective nature of the topic (Lim et al., 2014). To appear to an authenticated data analysis result, the researchers chose three different thematic analysis approaches. This is a well thought strategy by the researchers as with a single thematic analysis it was not possible to explore the themes of the stories, contents and to apply on the interpretation purpose. Analysis of the Findings The findings of the research are shocking and to present them in a well-fortified form, the researchers have divided the findings into sub-headings so that the readers are able to understand the varied problems that the research findings have come across. The research findings have also been subdivided into four sections to recognize the serendipity of receiving food and fluids (Bernoth et al., 2014). The first subsection deals with the negligence of the care staff and the atmosphere of loneliness and of long wait in the dining room. This finding effectively connects with the literature review where it was stated that the quality of nutrition offered by food increases with sharing and this environment leads to mental depression for the aged people (Creighton, Davison Kissane, 2016). In addition, the care staffs are fewer comparing with the needs and are not adequately concerned about the safety and well-being of the aged persons. On the other hand, the quality of food was also highly compromised in these RAC services, primarily which led to malnutrition and dehydration among the aged people. Recurring the information presented in the literature review again, the study confirms how the absence of preferred food according to food tradition and culture detract the nutrition quotient of the food served. The study also highlights a very important fact i.e. the absence of any dietician to measure the quantity and nutritional value of the food being served, indicating the low standard of monitoring here. Moreover, the subsections of food hygiene and iatrogenic malnutrition startle the readers in terms of shocking findings in these areas. The matter of food hygiene is, however quite arbitrarily maintained as the research findings say. While some of the food items are completely prohibited in the RAC facilities due to hygiene issue, there are various other things where the hygiene issue is extremely compromised in the kitchen. The iatrogenic malnutrition i.e. inability to access the food served without the help of any assistance is also a grim issue that the interview findings deal with. Critique of the Discussion Although the discussion chapter tries to hold considerable discernment on the reasons of the issues emerged from the analysis of the findings, it fails to suggest any solution to these problems in the RAC services (Street et al. 2015, p. 516). However, the drawbacks in the RAC services have been well analyzed here viewing it as violation to legal standards as well as violation to basic human rights. Reviewing the Limitations of the Study The study fittingly recognizes its limitation of being based on one-sided reviews from the participants. The lack of positive experiences from the participants certainly makes the study depend on one-sided reviews (Bernoth et al., 2014). Thus, the basic limitation remains in the data collection process, especially the way the researchers have recruited participants. Substantiating the Conclusion The conclusion is brief and perfectly summarizes the key themes and ideas of the study without being reiterative at the same time. This is, by all means fitting to the structure and idea of the research paper, although the recommendations seem to be missing. Value of the Study The study offers a thorough understanding of how the elderly people are suffering in the RAC services. The writing style of the researchers is also vivid, clear and authenticated by excerpts of interviews. However, the study has little contribution in providing any solution for the grim situation in the RAC services that could have made any advancement in the practice and knowledge of aged care facilities. References Aveyard, H. (2014).Doing A Literature Review In Health And Social Care: A Practical Guide. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Beattie, E., O'reilly, M., Strange, E., Franklin, S., Isenring, E. (2014). How Much Do Residential Aged Care Staff Members Know About The Nutritional Needs Of Residents?.International Journal Of Older People Nursing,9(1), 54-64. Bernoth, M. A., Dietsch, E., Davies, C. (2014). Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce: The serendipity of receiving nutrition and hydration in Australian residential aged care.Collegian,21(3), 171-177. Chisholm, A., Jensen, J., Field, P. (2011). Eating Environment In The Aged?Care Residential Setting In New Zealand: Promoters And Barriers To Achieving Optimum Nutrition. Observations Of The Foodservice, Menu And Meals.Nutrition Dietetics,68(2), 161-166. Creighton, A. S., Davison, T. E., Kissane, D. W. (2016). The correlates of anxiety among older adults in nursing homes and other residential aged care facilities: a systematic review.International journal of geriatric psychiatry. Fetherstonhaugh, D., Tarzia, L., Bauer, M., Nay, R., Beattie, E. (2016). The Red Dress or the Blue? How Do Staff Perceive That They Support Decision Making for People With Dementia Living in Residential Aged Care Facilities?.Journal of Applied Gerontology,35(2), 209-226. Griffiths, D., Morphet, J., Innes, K., Crawford, K., Williams, A. (2014). Communication Between Residential Aged Care Facilities And The Emergency Department: A Review Of The Literature.International Journal of Nursing Studies,51(11), 1517-1523. Lim, C. J., Kwong, M., Stuart, R. L., Buising, K. L., Friedman, N. D., Bennett, N., ... Kong, D. C. (2014). Antimicrobial Stewardship In Residential Aged Care Facilities: Need And Readiness Assessment.BMC Infectious Diseases,14(1), 410. Martin, R., Hayes, B., Hutchinson, A., Yates, P., Lim, W. K. (2016). 135IMPLEMENTATION OF Goals of Patient Care Medical Treatment Orders in Residential Aged Care Facilities: A Randomised Controlled Trial.Age and Ageing,45(suppl 2), ii1-ii12. Street, M., Ottmann, G., Johnstone, M. J., Considine, J., Livingston, P. M. (2015). Advance care planning for older people in Australia presenting to the emergency department from the community or residential aged care facilities.Health social care in the community,23(5), 513-522. Vesnaver, E., Keller, H. H. (2011). Social Influences And Eating Behavior In Later Life: A Review.Journal Of Nutrition In Gerontology And Geriatrics,30(1), 2-23.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Peter the Disciple free essay sample
Peter was a very important disciple in the New Testament. He is mentioned in 9 of its 27 books. Peter and his brother Andrew were the first of six pairs to be called by Jesus. Peters call to be disciple was by Jesus directly showing his great works. One day when he was fishing with Andrew the nets came up empty. They were returning to shore when Jesus came to them and asked them to take him off shore so he could continue his preaching. In the middle of Jesus’ speaking he told them to lower their nets. Although they had been unsuccessful they went ahead with their task. As they raised the nets they were filled with fish. As a result of this miracle Peter and Andrew became believers and were then called by Jesus. This miracle was the turning point in Peters life in which he became a reverent believer. In Peter’s faith he experienced many challenges: including ups and downs in his beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on Peter the Disciple or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The main faith challenge that we learn about was his three denials of Jesus, which fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus. His first denial was when a female servant of a priest recognized him as a person close to Jesus. When she confronted him and asked if he knew Jesus, Peter denied knowing him. The rooster then crowed for the first time. Then bystanders asked him if he knew Jesus and again he denied knowing him. Finally, a woman said that surely his Galilean accent meant he was a follower, for the third time he denied. The rooster then crowed for the second time. Peter suddenly remembered when Jesus had said to him Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. and began weeping. Overall, Peter was strong in his faith even though he had troubles at times. He preached boldly about what God had done and how he would continue to support followers through life. Though he spoke at times without thinking, he followed Jesus and played an important role in the Bible and history a s a whole.
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