Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Research Methods Oxford University Press
Question: Talk about the Business Research Methods for Oxford University Press? Answer: I have had an unmistakable fascination for arithmetic and numerical estimations from an early age. Through thorough practice, I have obtained superb fitness in taking care of troublesome scientific issues and task questions. With an assurance to follow my energy for science, I applied for Bachelors qualification in Business Administration with Marketing as the essential subject, at the University of Dammam in Saudi Arabia. I finished my graduation in the year 2013 with a solid arrangement of abilities in showcasing and business organization considers. During my graduation years, I have figured out how to pick up top to bottom information on bookkeeping, fund, human asset the board, financial matters, the executives data frameworks, methodology, showcasing and venture the executives. Notwithstanding that, I have taken part in a few gathering tasks and gathering assignments that helped me procure solid collaboration capacities and successful relational abilities. Aside from that, I hav e picked up capability in creating field-tested strategies and methodologies, practicality contemplates, spending arranging and timetable estimation procedures. I embraced a temporary position preparing and situation program at Saudi Telecom Company in Saudi Arabia. In the wake of finishing my scholarly profession, I began working at Hajjan Drilling in Saudi Arabia in the showcasing and deals office. My specific nature of work included arranging and actualizing promoting plans and techniques for estimating without a doubt the degree of viability of the different advertising and deals crusades and plans directed by our association. I further attempted a few full-time and escalated scholastic English language-preparing programs with the point of exceeding expectations in my English language aptitudes and capacities. I joined the program of EF in Santa Barbara, and later I consented to another English preparing program at the California State University in Long Beach. The English instructional classes included broad exposition composing, perusing and verbal appreciation practice that thus fundamentally helped me ahead of time in improving my language abilities that I could proficiently use for my alumni contemplates. Directly, I am anticipating improving my vocation position by advancing and improving my capacities to exceed expectations in the field of business and bookkeeping by building up extra aptitudes dependent on my solid scholarly establishments picked up until this point. Here, I might want to communicate my distinct fascination for applying for the Master of Accounting Degree program at your regard establishment. After completely investigating about the ventures and courses offered at your regarded University, I found the assorted arrangement of classes, related subjects, and undertakings properly reasonable for my profession. I accept that your specific program will chiefly assist me with getting ready for accomplishing my drawn out vocation destinations. Your program will unquestionably help me in turning into a fruitful business and bookkeeping proficient and procure a high situation in my profession. Aside from that, I immovably accept that my solid arrangement of abilities, pertin ent work understanding, and enthusiasm for learning and solid scholarly foundation would essentially spur me in performing admirably and exceeding expectations in your companion. I am effectively anticipating taking an interest in the gathering undertakings, assignments and class conversations offered at your establishment and would like to increase important information in my field of study. In addition, I additionally believe that my Middle Eastern social foundation will add to the multicultural decent variety of your partner. I am obliged to have found the opportunity to apply for Master certificate at your establishment and emphatically anticipating got notification from you soon. Book index Bryman, A. what's more, Bell, E., 2015.Business exploration strategies. Oxford University Press, USA. Ferrell, O.C. what's more, Fraedrich, J., 2016.Business morals: Ethical dynamic cases. Nelson Education. Machado, C. what's more, Davim, J.P. eds., 2016.MBA: Theory and Application of Business and Management Principles. Springer. Stewart, D.W. what's more, Gugel, C.T. eds., 2016.Accountable Marketing: Linking Marketing Actions to Financial Performance. Routledge.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Soft Drinks Industry Consumer Behavior Marketing Essay
Soda pops Industry Consumer Behavior Marketing Essay Soda pops industry is one of the most flourishing and thriving businesses in Pakistan. With a populace near 165 million, Pakistan is perhaps the biggest market in the Asia Pacific locale, for different quick moving customer merchandise organizations, including those assembling soda pops. Shoppers all over Pakistan think about soda pops as a necessary piece of their lives, be it schedule each day suppers or happy events, sodas hold enormous significance as it is the essential refreshment served everywhere throughout the nation. Overwhelmed by ease carbonates, Pakistans soda pops industry profits by key interest triggers, for example, the outstanding nonappearance of mixed beverages industry and a warm atmosphere. The drink business has around 40 plants, and utilizes around 500,000 individuals straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. Remote players overwhelm the soda pops segment. Pakistan Beverages, which bottles for US-based PepsiCo, and National Beverages, the bottler for Coca-Cola (likewise of the US), are the key players in this fragment. Together, Pepsi and Coca-Cola gracefully 75% of the carbonated sodas showcase, with neighborhood organizations representing another 15-20%. The business has seen consistent development over the previous years, and notwithstanding the current monetary circumstance in Pakistan and the significant levels of swelling, the industry is destined for development in the coming years. The significant players in this market include: Coca Cola Pepsi Mountain Dew Gourmet Cola Makah Cola Amrat Cola The market is driven by Pepsi which has the most extreme piece of the pie in the Pakistan soda pop industry. Coca cola goes about as a challenger, which challenges the nearness of its significant opponent coke, though different brands, for example, gourmet cola and mountain dew are adherents. Gourmet cola has adroitly taken into account the market by giving sodas at a much lower cost than the others and conveys it just in the city of Lahore, subsequently is the one going about as a specialty player. It has effectively gone into the soda pop market where existing solid brand names have been contending, and is required to keep up its position which is obvious by the developing interest of its cola Market Size: Driven by the center carbonate brands of Coca Cola and PepsiCo, per capita soda pops utilization in Pakistan is evaluated to remain at around 20 liters for every annum, which leaves noteworthy space for development. Over the distributers gauge period to 2014, soda pops deals are relied upon to expand 39.8% to PKR19.5 billion ($233 million), with carbonates liable to get the majority of the volume development. MARKET SEGMENTATION: Client division in Pakistan regarding soda industry is done another way by the significant players working in the business. Division is done dependent on the way of life, inclinations and perspectives of clients. Especially to this industry, there exist client sections which lean toward soda pops that taste better when contrasted with others. In addition, sections in the business sectors exist which are cost cognizant, and are eager to bargain most definitely. Such sections are progressively disposed towards following through on lower costs for a soda pop that gives a comparative taste as of other famous names and humble quality. Existing clients, who are touchy to their calorie admission however wish not to settle on the utilization of soda pops, are provided food by brands offering the eating routine rendition. This eating regimen rendition of sodas is even favored by certain clients who discover its taste better when contrasted with the normal one, albeit such a portion isn't broa dly perceived. Aside from that, client fragments exist which request jugs of soda pops in various sizes, for example, little, huge and family pack, though the sort of bundling accomplished for a specific soda likewise decides and takes into account a specific market section, for example, bottles that are dispensable and non-expendable. There are various flavors that have additionally divided the market, which basically incorporate orange (Fanta, Miranda), Cola (Coke, Pepsi), Lemon (Sprite, 7up, Lemon up, mountain dew). Division of purchasers has additionally been done on the bases of social monetary class, for example, new market contestants, for example, gourmet cola serves SEC C though showcase pioneers serve SEC An and B. The market fragment that we have chosen for our venture is people having a place with SEC An and SEC B who are utilized and are working in private and government associations. Target Market: The objective market that we have chosen from this fragment as a component of our term venture is the carbonated soda pops section, which incorporates organizations like Pepsi, Coca cola, Seven up, Mecca cola, Amrat cola, Gourmet cola and others. Goals of the examination: The exploration is coordinated to discover the properties of buyer conduct with respect to the neighborhood soda pops in the refreshments business. The extent of the examination is restricted to the district of Lahore because of time requirements. The essential reason to direct this investigation is to reveal the buyer observation about the neighborhood soda pops explicitly. The exploration will assist with discovering the shopper recognition about what the clients think about the nearby sodas, how they see it when they hear or see any of the specific neighborhood brands. The position that it has taken in the psyches of the buyers are critical to find. Fundamentally, the principal objective is to discover the picture of neighborhood soda pops as apparent by the buyers. The examination will likewise concentrate on the item explicit characteristics of neighborhood sodas. The nature of the soda pop when contrasted with the remainder of the global rivalry is one of the worries of this examination. Likewise, taste is a significant variable which will be altogether examined in light of the fact that nature of any item is decided by its taste, and it will be tried that whether the organization is fruitful in giving the taste which is requested by its objective market or not. Additionally, regardless of whether it gives the soda pops in same or better taste as gave by the worldwide players; Pepsi co. what's more, Coca Cola Company, or not. Regardless of whether the substance of bubble in soda pop is a significant variable that issues and the effect of the measure of cooling that the beverage has put away in it is critical to the customers of neighborhood sodas or not. Alongside the unmistakable properties of the item, the examination will likewise concentr ate on the impalpable traits, for example, the brand name. The size and state of the containers, the bundling and the hues utilized, will likewise be talked about. The buyer fulfillment will be measured as far as the opposition, and what should be done to improve the item. The investigation destinations likewise incorporate the buyer explicit traits towards the nearby soda pops. It will incorporate that under what conditions or events do the buyers devour nearby soda pop. Is it true that they are brand faithful? How would they assess a beverage over the others? What's more, how would they settle on their purchasing choices. It incorporates the influencers that impact their dynamic. Moreover, the job of ad will be examined that how do the shoppers directed by the promotions, how the organization can improve its visual nearness and what should be possible to improve the organization and the item. Research Methodology: The essential thought is to structure an examination philosophy which empowers us to extricate greatest helpful data at any rate conceivable expense and time, without relinquishing on its dependability. Along these lines, quantitative apparatuses will be utilized to accomplish our examination destinations. Our target factors like brand mindfulness, item utilization and item properties explicit bits of knowledge will be gotten through a survey Quantitative Research: Questionnaire The poll will be the best and attainable instrument for our examination study. Different strategies like telephone meetings and perception study won't just be unrealistic because of our asset limitations yet additionally yield next to no believable data, except if the example size is gigantic. The poll will be extremely straight forward and concentrated so pointless information isn't assembled and the legitimacy of the examination is boosted. Light clients or clients who have not expended nearby colas in the previous 30 days will be screened out. In this manner, the individuals who remain will have the option to adequately evaluate the items and its observation in their brains. A couple of open finished inquiries will be posed, alongside shut finished inquiries that address our exploration targets. So as to keep things straightforward, just a Likert scale will be utilized. The poll will be conveyed among all people who have been screened on the sole premise of utilization. This is on the grounds that right now the soda pop industry utilizes a mass promoting approach, and concentrating just on a couple of portions will build the examining mistake. An aggregate of 50 polls will be disseminated. Information Analysis The information from the survey will be classified on exceed expectations and examined utilizing factual alternatives like pie diagrams, visual charts, tables and so on. Poll Analysis: The poll investigation was directed with 50 respondents, 42 Males and 8 Females, matured between 22 to 50 years old what not. The poll depended on the factors of significance broke down in the center gathering for example the cost of the soda pops, accessibility and quality offered by each brand of carbonated sodas. Definite Analysis of Questionnaire: What sort of food do you like? The respondents were solicited what kind and type from food they favored as there drinks decisions are then founded on their essential food decisions, a vast larger part of respondents reacted with hand crafted food, trailed by cheap food, this demonstrates the apparent effect on swelling in Pakistan upon people㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ways of managing money, more individuals presently select home made food instead of inexpensive food from upscale cafés What sort of beverages do you devour? Greater part of respondents showed that they favored carbonated beverages when contrasted with espresso and different decisions accessible to them, this s
Friday, August 21, 2020
Rubbing Elbows
Rubbing Elbows Last week, I blogged a little about how MITs student body really distinguishes the Institute from any other university that I know. On one level, it almost seems as if campus is constantly brimming over from the sheer amount of passion, creativity, and pure intelligence that suffuse all of MIT. At the same time, though, I have come to realize that MITs faculty also play a tremendous role in creating, encouraging, and preserving the campus culture we have all come to know and love. The traditional image of a college professor is, I think, something along the lines of an intimidating old sequipidelian Ive already introduced you to Jeremy, but hes actually just one of the many, many completely amazing professors and instructors that populate MITs corridors and classrooms. The blogs already have a ton of entries about the zaniess, creativity, and passion of MITs faculty and whats actually here on the website is only a small sample of the entries that could be written. Beyond simply having awesome personalities and/or lecturing skills, youll hopefully be happy to know that the research MIT is so well known for is still advancing at full throttle, across all disciplines. MITs homepage has featured so many stories of this revolutionary discovery or that once-unthinkable breakthrough that I hardly have time to read them all. As you may already know, I am making my own (very small) contribution to this research through my UROP in the Langer Lab. In spite of that, until just recently, I had never actually met Professor Langer before. Most of the time, I work directly with a post-doctoral student named Sandeep, who is actually the person who hired me; so on one level there was never any need for me to see Professor Langer anyway. Although Ive heard hes actually pretty approachable (especially as Institute Professors go), I decided to wait for the right time to strikeI mean, uh, introduce myself. That opportunity came a few weeks ago, when I received a very exciting email inviting me and any other interested UROPs in the lab to meet with Professor Langer for a pizza dinner! I immediately confirmed that I would come. After that, waiting for that day to finally roll around came close to how it felt to wait for admissions decisionswell, okay, maybe not quite. But I was incredibly excited to have the opportunity to finally meet Langer! As it turned out, Professor Langer is even more personable and friendly than I could have ever hoped for. Including me, seven students showed up to the pizza dinner (Im amazed there werent more), which lasted over an hour. We talked about everything from the quality of the food to the state of education in China, from this one pizza shop in New York Dr. Langer was particularly fond of to the sort of qualities he liked to see in UROPs. Perhaps most significantly for me, Professor Langer also talked about how he wasnt entirely sure what he wanted to do upon graduating (from Cornell) with his bachelors degree in chemical engineering. Certainly, he told us, he never saw himself as a professorand yet, here he is, one of MITs most famous and most highly respected researchers and scholars. Of all the pictures Ive taken here at MIT, this may be my favorite yet.
Rubbing Elbows
Rubbing Elbows Last week, I blogged a little about how MITs student body really distinguishes the Institute from any other university that I know. On one level, it almost seems as if campus is constantly brimming over from the sheer amount of passion, creativity, and pure intelligence that suffuse all of MIT. At the same time, though, I have come to realize that MITs faculty also play a tremendous role in creating, encouraging, and preserving the campus culture we have all come to know and love. The traditional image of a college professor is, I think, something along the lines of an intimidating old sequipidelian Ive already introduced you to Jeremy, but hes actually just one of the many, many completely amazing professors and instructors that populate MITs corridors and classrooms. The blogs already have a ton of entries about the zaniess, creativity, and passion of MITs faculty and whats actually here on the website is only a small sample of the entries that could be written. Beyond simply having awesome personalities and/or lecturing skills, youll hopefully be happy to know that the research MIT is so well known for is still advancing at full throttle, across all disciplines. MITs homepage has featured so many stories of this revolutionary discovery or that once-unthinkable breakthrough that I hardly have time to read them all. As you may already know, I am making my own (very small) contribution to this research through my UROP in the Langer Lab. In spite of that, until just recently, I had never actually met Professor Langer before. Most of the time, I work directly with a post-doctoral student named Sandeep, who is actually the person who hired me; so on one level there was never any need for me to see Professor Langer anyway. Although Ive heard hes actually pretty approachable (especially as Institute Professors go), I decided to wait for the right time to strikeI mean, uh, introduce myself. That opportunity came a few weeks ago, when I received a very exciting email inviting me and any other interested UROPs in the lab to meet with Professor Langer for a pizza dinner! I immediately confirmed that I would come. After that, waiting for that day to finally roll around came close to how it felt to wait for admissions decisionswell, okay, maybe not quite. But I was incredibly excited to have the opportunity to finally meet Langer! As it turned out, Professor Langer is even more personable and friendly than I could have ever hoped for. Including me, seven students showed up to the pizza dinner (Im amazed there werent more), which lasted over an hour. We talked about everything from the quality of the food to the state of education in China, from this one pizza shop in New York Dr. Langer was particularly fond of to the sort of qualities he liked to see in UROPs. Perhaps most significantly for me, Professor Langer also talked about how he wasnt entirely sure what he wanted to do upon graduating (from Cornell) with his bachelors degree in chemical engineering. Certainly, he told us, he never saw himself as a professorand yet, here he is, one of MITs most famous and most highly respected researchers and scholars. Of all the pictures Ive taken here at MIT, this may be my favorite yet.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
ThePensters Buy Literature Review Paper from Ace Custom Writers!
ThePensters: We Are Ready to Take Up Writing a Literature Review for You! So, youve chosen wisely to rely on ThePensters. Our system is intuitively simple, which means you wont have to waste time trying to make out how to place a literature review writing order here. The procedure is easy as pie. First, you are supposed to make certain you are fully informed on the assignment writing instructions provided by your college professor. If you have doubts on a particular requirement related to the project, do not hesitate to visit your college tutors office to make everything clear. As youre done with that step, youre ready to proceed with the online registration at ThePensters. As was already mentioned, writing a literature review will be way easier once you give detailed order specifications. Make sure to note what academic level ThePensters writers should stick to and do not forget to set the time frame within which we must perform the task. When youre 100% sure youve given all information relevant to the literature writing, simply post your order via the se rvice web page. Once your order pops up at ThePensters, our writers come up with their bids and offer help in literature review writing. The number of bidders is not limited, which means you have an opportunity to make the right choice! Look through the list of possible writers and dont miss a chance to get familiar with the writers portfolios online. Writers profile lets you see his literature reviews writing record, informative testimonials from the customers, educational background and more. Once you find the expert youre ready to trust to, feel free to contact him. Voila! Writing a Literature Review 24*7? No Problem! Many students asking us for professional writing help are depressed by rigid assignment deadlines set by their tutors. Moreover, the majority of them are hardly aware of the subject they are supposed to work upon, and in such cases any attempt to write a paper on their own is likely to fail. Fortunately, ThePensters literature review writing experts alwayshave time, will and skills to professionally research, outline and efficiently write a solid literature review within the tightest deadline. Being highly qualified in the required area, our writers can boast of having read a huge library of both English and world literature, which means the paper they will provide you with will be definitely worthy of your literature review writing instructors praise. Just leave your request online at any time, day or night, and our team of experts will be there to help you! Buy Literature Review Paper or Get a Full Refund! We work to help you through your academic routine, and once you face a stubborn problem, were always ready to lend you a hand and provide high-quality custom writing assistance. Our writers are high-end professionals, so they value their time and effort; nonetheless, our prices are pocket-friendly and wont make you bankrupt. Moreover, we care about our customers through generous discount programs and detailed money-back policy. Should you feel that the aspects of love in John Updikes Run, Rabbit, Run are not fully dwelt upon in the paper you ordered with us, make sure to ask for free revisions, or get your money back!
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats Essay - 1749 Words
Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats Is baseball America’s pastime? For the major leaguers maybe, but for college athletes it seems more like a new age video game. The introduction of high dollared aluminum bats produce football like scores, higher statistics, and a percentage of danger to each and every player on the field. The NCAA has changed the regulations of the bats so far and should look further into to making another change to wooden bats. High tech aluminum baseball bats aren’t quite as new to the game as many people may think. Author, Patrick Hruby, wrote in Sports Illustrated, â€Å"introduced in the mid-1970’s†¦ metal bats have become increasingly potent, forged with alloys†¦ pressurized air chambers†(Hruby 42). Over the†¦show more content†¦Besides the velocity of the ball coming off of the bat there is also the reaction time to look at. â€Å"Baseball Rules Committee believe that a collegiate pitcher needs approximately .4 seconds to react and move to avoid being struck†¦a pitcher is between 51 and 52 feet away from the point of impact between the bat and ball at the time of impact†(3). Dempsey also states that â€Å"at 94 mph the ball will travel 52 feet in approximately .371 seconds†¦ with high power aluminum bats speeds well in excess of 100 mph the ball will travel 52 feet in .354 seconds†¦ at 110 mph, a ball will travel 52 feet in .321 sec onds†(3). Baseball bats aren’t the only things that are changing; in fact it is the aluminum bats that are changing the game. If you asked players who only played with wooden bats, like the legendary Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, or even Willie Keeler they would all say that these aluminum bats are taking away from the real game of baseball. These Hall of Fame players aren’t the only ones thinking that it takes away from the game, Bill Thurston, Amherst College’s baseball coach said â€Å"All you have to do is talk to pro scout,†¦They think the college game is ridiculous†(Hruby 42). They think that it is ridiculous because the bats that collegiate players use are helping turn baseball scores into football like scores. A perfect example of this is the 1998 season â€Å"During theShow MoreRelatedMetal Bats in Major League Baseball1973 Words  | 8 Pages Metal Bats in Major League Baseball Since the inception of the first Major League Baseball (MLB) game, played on May 4, 1871, bats made of wood have been the tradition in baseball. The creation of metal bats occurred in the 1920s, but not actually used in play until 1970 when they were introduced into Little League youth baseball. Even though all levels of players from children to professionals seemed to prefer the new metal bats, MLB prohibited their use. Safety, skill level of the players,Read MoreBaseball Bats1844 Words  | 8 PagesAluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats Is baseball Americas pastime? For the major leaguers maybe, but for college athletes it seems more like a new age video game. The introduction of high dollared aluminum bats produce football like scores, higher statistics, and a percentage of danger to each and every player on the field. The NCAA has changed the regulations of the bats so far and should look further into to making another change to wooden bats. High tech aluminum baseball bats arent quiteRead MoreDifferences Between Softball And Baseball818 Words  | 4 PagesSoftball vs. Baseball Softball and baseball are very similar sports. People like to say they are the exact same and nothing is different between the two. But in reality they have a key factors that make them very different from each other. Softball and baseball are both played the same way but as you get deeper into the game you start to see bigger differences. Softball is a sport that is played by females. When softball players play in tournaments they are either timed and those last roughly 71Read MoreBbcor vs. Besr Bat4588 Words  | 19 PagesBBCOR Bat VS. BESR Bat Daniel Valdes, Juan Cuartas Central Gwinnett High School 546 W. Crogan Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046 10th Grade Table of Contents Introduction/Purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Research†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.pg. 3-4 Experimental Design†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages.............................................................................. 299 CHAPTER 10 Deductive Reasoning .......................................................................................... 312 x Implying with Certainty vs. with Probability ................................................................................ 312 Distinguishing Deduction from Induction ..................................................................................... 319 Review of Major
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Drenched In Light By Zora Neala Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston and Jamaica Kincaid, both black women writers, give advice to their potential readers. Each writer comes from a different background and time period, yet both writers offer advice for every woman who reads their stories. The stories â€Å"Drenched in Light†by Hurston and â€Å"Girl†by Kincaid provides advice for the woman who needs to understand how to behave and protect her reputation. The reason for this article is to think about mother/daughter connections in Jamaica Kincaid’s â€Å"girl†Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"drenched In Light,†and Alice Walker’s â€Å"everyday use†through a Womanist hypothetical focal point with respect to personality, portrayals in the public arena, and reason. Zora Neal Hurston’s famous story â€Å"Drenched in†¦show more content†¦In Zora Neale Hurston’s â€Å"drenched in Light,†Alice Walker’s â€Å"everyday use,†and Jamaica Kincai d’s â€Å"Girl,†each of the three moms are managing issues with respect to their little girls’ personalities. For instance, Grandma Potts dislikes her granddaughter, Isis striking trademark attributes, which are womanist, thus she is exceptionally strict on her granddaughter. This is particularly evident when Grandma Potts says that she will beat her granddaughter for setting out to shave her bristles from her jaw while she was resting. Similarly, in Jamaica Kincaid’s Girl, the mother is so stressed over her little girl’s character that she gives a long address to the little girl while continually alluding to her as a prostitute with a specific end goal to keep away from her girl being marked in that capacity in the public eye. Moreover, in Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use,†the mother likewise tries to stretch the significance of personality to her girls by showing that their way of life should be showed off prideful by utilizing t he knit on a regular premise. Throughout time mother/daughter relationships have been tattered as woman’s liberation has taken place. Many mothers have the â€Å"old fashioned†opinion about what a woman should be. The short story â€Å"Girl†, by Jamaica Kincaid, is a prime example of this relationship. The theme in â€Å"Girl†strongly suggests that a woman should be domestic and there is a certain way that she
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Karnataka Engineering Company Case Study Essay Sample free essay sample
We would wish to show my deep and sincere gratitude to Professor Dr T A S Vijayaraghavan. His counsel A ; learning hold given us the cognition to non merely understanding the constructs of SCM. But besides how to implement those into pattern. We have tried to utilize his instructions in this work. His in-depth cognition. sense of wit. forbearance and enterprise to learn has been priceless for us for which we are thankful and honored. We are besides grateful to our co-workers. who have each contributed in their ain manner to the patterned advance of this instance survey. Overview of Karnataka Engineering Company ( KEC ) ? Company entered the 2 –Wheeler industry in 1981 with Moped production. ? In 1983 the scooter production. ? The fabrication program is in Raichur. ? KEC has 19 subdivisions spread all over India. ? Operating disbursals of a subdivision is estimated to be Rs 17000 per month. ? Minimum throughput that would warrant puting up of a subdivision in any province would be Rs 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Karnataka Engineering Company Case Study Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 25 Lakh per month. This translate into 78 Mopeds or 33 Water scooters per month or any other combination. ? Marketing office is located in about every province. ? Transportation of Mopeds A ; scooters are by specially adapted trucks with a capacity of either 80 Mopeds or 50 scooters or combination of both. This primary transit is organized by the cardinal selling officer of Raichur. Distribution in Andhra Pradesh ? There are two branch warehouses at Adoni A ; Mahbubnager. ? These subdivisions location were selected. as these were the first major towns in AP ? The selling office is situated in Hyderabad. ? Hyderabad office collates the orders A ; issues instruction to Adoni A ; Mahbubnagar for secondary dispatchs. Some Figures amp ; Data. . ? Monthly avg. sale in Jan-Jul 1988 in Andhra Pradesh was Mopeds 1925 A ; Scooters 288. . ? AP part in Jan-Jul 1988 is around 5. 3 % of KEC’s sum Moped sale A ; 3. 6 % of entire scooters gross revenues. ? Sale in AP during this period is around 14. 33 Million PA. ? One scooter was taken every bit tantamount to 1. 6 moped units. ? CST consider is 4 % . Questions for Discussion. At what volume is the gap of a warehouse in a province Justified chiefly on the evidences of the 4 % CST for minutess across the provinces. How many warehouses do you believe are required for distribution of KEC’s merchandise in AP? What would be the candidate locations of the warehouses be? What would be the standards on which to choose the campaigners? Determine the optimum choice of the warehouses A ; the best allotment of the demand points of the selected warehouses? What are the best picks for shipment size from warehouses to demand points? Given size. what routing would you urge for a typical despatch tally? Analysis By utilizing the Logware package we will foremost look into how many warehouses are optimum. A ; what will be the best allotment to each warehouse. The Input for Logware will be 1. The co-ordinates in ( X. Y ) of the Places in Andhra Pradesh. 2. Moped off take amp ; scooter offtake equivalent of Moped offtake ( 1. 6 times ) 3. Rate Rs per kilometer.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Assessment centre exercises
Assessment centre exercises Introduction Hiring the right person to tackle a particular job is very crucial to any organization. Hiring the wrong person can easily ruin the company’s credibility and can even cost the company a lot of money. For a long time, most organizations have relied on the traditional method of interviewing a candidate.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Assessment centre exercises specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because conducting a personal interview is not only considered cheap for the company but that it does not also take much of the company’s time. However, research has proven that the traditional method of conducting personal interviews can no longer be relied upon to hire superlative candidates. The use of assessment centres have widely been advocated for with most researchers arguing that it is the only reliable selection method that a company can adopt to hire the best of the best. Franks et. al. (1998) state that almost 60% of British organizations have resulted to assessment centre exercises for their selection process. But how effective is the use of assessment centre exercises to hire a qualified candidate and is it the most suitable method to test a candidate? The argument has elicited mixed reactions as to the validity of assessment centres with some arguing that the centres are not really effective while others maintain that the use of assessment centres is the best invention that befell the business world. This paper is therefore aimed at reviewing some peer-reviewed journal articles that seem to have a different take on the issue. Literature Review Abraham, Morrison and Burnett (2006) argue that: ‘assessment centres and behavioural simulations are among the most effective predictors of job performance and career progress available to employers’ (p.383). This is attributed to the fact that the use of assessment centre exercises enhance the skills and the capabilities of the employees and it is one of the most appropriate strategy to measure their potential.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has been made possible as the candidate is required to present some form of evidence to support their suitability claims (Jennifer and Duncan 2005). In their extensively researched article, Abraham, Morrison and Burnett (2006) further argue that even though the efficiency of assessment centre exercises have widely researched upon, it is not yet clear how useful they are in the employment development. This is because most studies focus on the efficacy of assessment centres and its role in employee development has not been dwelled upon extensively. This leaves a wide gap on how effective the method is. Malde (2006) on his part questions the validity of assessment centres and its role. He presents a valid argument that eve n though assessment centres has widely been praised, it does not really live up to his claims. In his article, he claims that the assessment centre is negligent enough as to not care about the interests of the candidate. He seem to give a differing opinion on the effectiveness of assessment centre as a whole. He argues that even though the method of selection is one of the best to pick out the best candidate, the interests of the candidate should also be encompassed in the process in order to conclude on the issue of effectiveness. In his view, the interests of the candidate undertaking the exercises should be put into consideration as that of the organisation. He argues that the performance of the candidate is bound to decline in future. Why is this so? He supports his argument by arguing that just like in the traditional assessment devices that have earlier been adopted, the candidate is out to please the selection assessors so as to get that job. With the economy crunch hitting t he world, one is bound to dance to any tune played so as to get their way. The interests of the candidates are completely ignored hence leading to performance decline in future when the candidate become accustomed to what he is doing. However, Thornton and Gibbons (2009) seem to differ with the argument presented by Malde. In their well researched article, they state that: ‘the overall assessment rating in assessment centre exercise predicts performance in the future in some specified job or set of jobs’ (p. 171).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Assessment centre exercises specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because the exercises entailed in the assessment centre dwell on factors such as content representativeness. The assessor is particularly keen on the appropriateness of the content. This is made possible as the candidate is made to undergo several exercises such as filling in questionnaires an d partaking intelligence tests while the assessors rely on several other techniques to test the suitability of the candidate. The career success of the candidate from the assessment centre exercises has also been debated upon. Jansen and Vinkenburg (2006) predicted the effectiveness of assessment centre exercises on the success of the candidate in future. In their study, they examined the trend of success for a period of 13 years in order to assess the validity and effectiveness of the assessment centre in future career progression of the candidate. The authors relied on the period of entry and tenure as control measures and previous studies that had been conducted in order to ascertain the validity of assessment centre exercises to select a candidate and the success of that particular candidate in future. Though they conclude that the method was indeed effective after years of investigation, they are quick to point out that the validity pattern was indeed dynamic. They argued that the assessment centre system was more effective for candidates in their early careers and their validity increased over the years as opposed to those candidates who were late in their career lives. They also argued that the different types of techniques used in assessment centres can be a contributing factor to the future success of the candidate.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is therefore evident that different types of techniques applied in the assessment centres play a very big role to determine its validity. The most common techniques applied include interviews, in-basket exercises, filling a questionnaire, business games, leadership group discussion, projective tests, drawing autobiographical sketches and paper and pencil tests. Luo and Meng (2005) holds the opinion that the validity of assessment centre depends on different grading dimensions adopted in the selection process. In their study, they examined the differing effects on the validity of assessment centre using the leaderless group discussions, role playing and in-basket exercises. The leaderless group discussion is a technique that requires the candidates to work in a group. The candidates are handed written or spoken instructions to be assessed upon. The role of the assessor at this stage is to assess the measurable behaviour of the candidates such as how they maintain the eye contact, their body language or their involvement in the group. The leaderless group discussion is tricky as it calls for candidates who have excellent leadership and communication skills. The role playing or simulation technique on the other hand is where the candidates are required to play a particular role in an orchestrated scene to test their response to particular situations. This is to enhance their role-playing skills in the organisation. The in-basket technique is one of a kind as it requires the candidate to undertake a role in odd times and within the shortest time possible. This measures the reliability of the candidate in the organisation if he is hired. The three methods were measured more than once in different dimensions (Luo and Meng 2005). The conclusion of the study was that the behaviour ability techniques were more effective than the psychological trait techniques. This study was backed in a similar finding that measured the impact of techniques on assessment centres. In their findings, Mark and David (2006) argued that though the use of various techniques played a big role in evaluating the ideal candidate for the job, the effectiveness of assessment centre varied in the type of technique applied. In practise, specific task-based techniques have highly been rated as to increase the ratings in assessment centres (Jackson, Stillman and Atkins 2005). The use of self-assessment in assessment centres has also been advocated for in numerous studies as an effective method of evaluation. Franks (1998) argue that: ‘Most of the research in this field has looked at the effectiveness of raw self-assessments on their own and not the relative importance of self assessment in comparison to other indices of assessment (p.124). In their article, they state that self-assessment accuracy can be determined either through over-estimation, under-estimation and perfect accuracy of the candidate. This not only aid the personal development of the candidate bu t also aids in the effectiveness of the assessment centre outcome. It also enhances self-awareness and learning of the candidate. Discussion The validity of assessment centre exercises is very essential to any organisation that wishes to encompass it in its selection process. However, it is evident that most findings fail to address the weaknesses of this method and only concentrate on the strengths. Though the findings by Malde (2006) seem to veer off from the findings of other researchers, his only concern is how the candidate’s interests are featured in the method. His argument though seem to support the method as the most appropriate strategy a company can adopt to hire a qualified candidate. Lievens, Dam and Anderson (2002) bashes the use of personnel selection due to technology advancements, globalisation and other social trends. They wholly rely on the use of assessment centre exercises as the successful strategy to hire the best candidates for the job. However, the sy stem has some drawbacks such as it is a costly process. It also emphasize on a one-way mirror technique where the candidate is to perform a task and the assessors acts like big brother. This tends to scare away candidates hence decreasing their full potentials. Conclusion In conclusion, assessment centre exercises can be said to be the most effective in selecting an ideal candidate despite some of the drawbacks it faces. Consequently, it provides the perfect platform for the organisation to select the best candidates based on various techniques, and not the usual question-answer type of selection. The literature already put in place seems to concur with the idea of wholly implementing the assessment centre exercises fully in all organisations to ensure its success by hiring the best candidates they can get. Reference List Abraham, J, Morrison, J and Burnett, D 2006, ‘Feedback Seeking Among Developmental Assessment Center Participants’, Journal of Business and Psychol ogy, vol. 20 no. 3, pp. 383-394. Franks, D, Ferguson, E, Rolls, S and Henderson, F 1998, ‘Self-assessments in HRM: an example from an assessment centre’, Personal Review, vol. 28 no. 1, pp. 124-133. Jackson, D, Stillman, J and Atkins, S 2005, ‘Rating Tasks Versus Dimensions in Assessment Centers: A Psychometric Comparison’, Human Performance, vol. 18 no. 3, pp. 213-241. Jansen, P and Vinkenburg, C 2006, ‘Predicting management career success from assessment center data: A longitudinal study’, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, vol. 68 no. 2, pp. 253-266. Jennifer, S and Duncan, J 2005, ‘A Detection theory approach to the evaluation of assessors in assessment centres’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 78 no. 4, pp.581-594. Lievens, F, Dam, K and Anderson, N 2002, ‘Recent trends and challenges in personnel selection’, Personal Review, vol. 31 no. 5, pp. 580-601. Luo, F and Meng, Q 2 005, ‘A Research on How Different Types of Graded Dimensions Affect the Construct Validity of the Assessment Centre’, Psychological ScienceChina, vol. 28 no. 6, pp. 1437-1439. Malde, B 2006, ‘Do assessment centres really care about the candidate’, British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, vol. 34 no. 4, pp. 539-549. Mark, B and David, W 2006, ‘A Meta-Analytic Evaluation of the Impact of Dimension and Exercise Factors on Assessment Centre Ratings’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 91 no. 5, pp. 1114-1124. Thornton, G and Gibbons, A 2009, ‘Validity of assessment centres for personnel selection’, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 19, pp. 169-187.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Gentrification Jeremy Hudson TURB HHH. GentrificationDowntown living can be a convenient and exciting way to live one's life. People obviously have been doing it for many years. Because people have been doing it for so long it leads to inevitable wear and tear and break down of structures and this leads to gentrification and overdue remodels of multi-unit living quarters. "Rumford's importance to the history of technology is due largely to his pioneering attempts to apply scientific reasoning to an aspect of home life". (Rybcynski 1987: 131) Rybcynski was illustrating how gentrification was introduced and importantly how people recognized the need for improving existing structures. I feel that gentrification and city governments of downtown living need to take more concern for homelessness, displaced residents, and making sure that the mixing of market rate housing with affordable housing is done with fairness and equality.Homeless people are a major population of a downtown urban community, theref ore, they should be considered more carefully when major city reforms are made.HomelessnessThe conditions they live in should be improved and the help they need should be given to them. A problem with some cities today is that homeless people are seen as a major threat to the everyday life of people and how the homeless are handled is endangering them. Pushing the homeless out of an area forces them to relocate and their relocation may not be to a place that is life sustaining. A solution that is common is building a multi-unit facility for them or using an existing structure to house them. The problem that is currently happening is that they are allowed to continue with their bad habits which include but are not limited to: excessive drinking, drug use, prostitution, violence, not taking or even abusing prescription medication. "For example, 39...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Media, Stereotypes & the Perpetuation of Racism in Canada Essay
Media, Stereotypes & the Perpetuation of Racism in Canada - Essay Example The media – print as well as television is one of the most powerful sources of mass communication in today’s times, and its accessibility and vast outreach has further added to its sheer power to influence the ‘minds of the masses’. The issues portrayed by the media are almost invariably regarded as ‘truthful’ and assumed to be accurate by the audiences, which lends even more power in the hands of those who control it. The media, world over, has recently attracted severe criticism for the negative portrayal of critical events, and especially for irresponsible reporting by hiding the facts and reality and sensationalizing the news through willful and deliberate misrepresentation of issues which can have a strong negative influence on those who consume such blatant lies. One of its several outcomes is the perpetuation of racism, on account of the negative portrayal or racial stereotyping of the ethnic minorities. This paper critically examines the portrayal of minority communities by the Canadian media, explores the manner in which they are represented – i.e. misrepresented or underrepresented in the media, and its ultimate impact on the masses, culminating of such news into a negative image of members of such groups, there by attracting harsh and often discriminatory behavior towards them by the dominant groups. This study is an attempt to study the highly complex relationship between the minority communities and their gross misrepresentation by the Canadian media, the role of the media in shaping national identities and influencing peaceful or destructive inter racial relations and / or harmony depending on the media representations. â€Å"Racisim is prejudice or discrimination against other people because of their race or because of what is thought to be their race (their biology or ancestry or physical appearance). It involves the assumption that peoples birth or biology
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Exclusionary Rule Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exclusionary Rule - Research Paper Example This aims to safeguard people from being prosecuted if at all the due process of evidence collection was not followed. It is also true that this principle is there to prevent prosecutors and law enforcement agencies from admitting evidence into court after the search and seizure of evidence is complete (Maclin, 2012). This paper shall inspect the application of the exclusionary rule, and how it affects the daily lives of both citizens and law enforcement agencies. The principle behind the exclusionary rule prevents police officers from violating an individual’s constitutional rights. This is because; it is not possible for police officers to ignore the basic rule that governs their responsibilities as law enforcers. Their duty is to ensure that the constitution and all its principles are upheld. The exclusionary rule may not be embedded in the constitution, but it is one principle that the Supreme Court thought would work toward protecting an individual’s right as constituted in the Fourth Amendment (Maclin, 2012). The Fourth Amendment is there to protect against the illegal search and seizure of an individual, or their property. This means that even suspects cannot be searched until a legal document forces them to do so, if they were not willing to oblige to an arbitrary search. It is the belief of countless individuals that the rule must not be enforced at all times. This is because, at times, there might be instances where lives are at stake when it comes down to searching a suspect and their property. In such instances, it is considered unnecessary to wait for a warrant to search and save any lives that may be at risk. However, police officers who do this might need to prove that there were no doubts as to the suspect’s intentions, and thus; their actions as law enforcers were legitimate. Unfortunately, if police officers intentionally violate an individual’s fundamental right against arbitrary search and seizure, then the rule must apply.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Failures Of The Juvenile Justice System Criminology Essay
Failures Of The Juvenile Justice System Criminology Essay Juvenile justice systems across the country are experiencing major challenges resulted in a failure to meet their original goal to change the deviant behavior of the juvenile delinquent by focusing on rehabilitation in order to ensure juveniles have an opportunity for a future life as a productive citizen. Despite this goal juvenile justice system, in many cases, has failed to rehabilitate the juvenile and instead have become more prone to placing juvenile delinquents in juvenile detention facilities, or trying them as adult offenders. Once the juvenile delinquent becomes a part of the system, adult or juvenile, they have difficulty escaping from the stigma and moving on to create better lives. Instead of delinquents making positive changes in their life, they instead graduate up to adult prison and become adult criminal offenders. These failings within the juvenile justice system can be attributed to the lack of education, lack of support services and an inability to incarcerate the more serious juvenile offenders. In fact 80% of juveniles who enter New Yorks juvenile facilities end up returning or graduating to adult prisons within three years (Louis, 2008). This recidivism rate is 20% higher that the New York adult criminal justice system. In other states, such as Oklahoma or Texas, the rate is even higher. The juvenile justice system has also failed to provide a fair and equal juvenile justice process which is obvious based on the racial disparities present in Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s juvenile justice system. Minorities, African Americans especially, are placed in juvenile detention centers or receive waivers that require them to be tried as adults. These failures have been attributed to the delinquent or criminal behavior of the minority by the juvenile justice system but by critics it has been attributed to racial profiling of police and bias in the juvenile courts. The fact is in the juvenile justice system there have been many failures that have resulted in many challenges. These challenges make it difficult for the juvenile justice system to meet its original goal of rehabilitation and have resulted instead with juveniles that are not reformed but instead have the tools to become adult offenders. When juveniles are removed from their homes and placed in a juvenile detention they do not become reformed but instead there behavior will worsen in this type of an environment. Juveniles that are laced in detention centers are faced with becoming more aggressive than the next juvenile just to survive. Instead of learning to become more productive members of society the juvenile learns new criminal skills. Juvenile offenders in current society commit the same delinquent acts of the past but they also commit offenses that are far more serious and violent than when the juvenile justice system was first established. Instead of rehabilitating juvenile and taking steps in repairing the family the juvenile justice system has been quick to punish the juvenile. The lacking of effective counseling services for juvenile delinquents before and after being detained or incarcerated has been considered a large part of the overall problem in the juvenile justice system as well as a very low success rate in making positive changes in the life of the juvenile offender. The research will seek to understand the extent of the failures of the juvenile justice system by presenting statistical research and real world examples of these failures. The better juvenile justice professionals understand the failure of the system the more effective they can be in developing more effective measures for ensuring the juvenile learns new and positive behavior and does not grow up to become an adult criminal offender. Through rehabilitative services and programs the juvenile will have an opportunity to make positive changes in their lives and become more productive members of society. Literature Review Research has shown that the juvenile justice system has failed in their goal to rehabilitate juveniles to ensure they do not grow up to become adult criminals. In research conducted by Annie Casey Foundation it was discovered that the juvenile justice system is ineffective, dangerous, and inadequate. Instead of investing in the future of juveniles the system is just focused on punishing the juvenile and removing them from society. Juveniles that are detained or that are adjudicated to the adult court system are not taught new positive behaviors that assist them in becoming upstanding members of society and instead they learn new criminal behaviors. In Oklahoma, precisely the Creek County area of Oklahoma, which is likely one of the highest areas of juvenile offenders in the state there exists a definite problem of dealing with the issues of juvenile crime. Furthermore, the juvenile justice system has no real punitive measures that can be put in place to deal with juvenile offenders who should be removed from society. The lacking of effective counseling services for pre-incarceration level and post-incarceration level offenders has been considered a large part of the overall problem in the State of Oklahoma. In fact despite the proof that rehabilitative programs can work the state has failed to aggressively implement them and prefers instead to detain or incarcerate. The Juvenile Re-entry of Oklahoma County program is one such program that has been shown to be successful with only a 10% failure rate (Kelly, 2010). The program provides the juveniles with an opportunity to obtain their high school diploma or G.E.D and an opportunity to learn a new job skill. In a recent analysis of the program it was discovered that many of the participants not only obtain their education but go on to obtain their college degrees. The state of Texas has one of the largest the juvenile justice populations in the country and juveniles are detained in a large majority of cases. The Texas juvenile justice system has large caseloads where juveniles in some cases will be detained for a year without ever going in front of a judge. The judges in the state are quick to detain the juvenile because the state has become limited in the resources available to rehabilitee the juvenile offender. In New York the juvenile justice system became so corrupt and the treatment of juveniles so inhumane the governor called for a complete overhaul and reform of the New York juvenile justice system (Louis, 2008). Juveniles were routinely restrained while in custody and left face first on the ground for hours. Juvenile justice officers were known for being cruel and aggressive. Since the reform efforts the juvenile receive discipline but is not subject to inhuman treatment. Perhaps one of the alleged problems are the extremely restrictive laws which were passed as result of the 14th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Whereas; juvenile offenders are to be handled in such a restrictive manner as it give the offenders the idea that thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s nothing the system can do to them, in such a case like Thompson V. Oklahoma, where the State of Oklahoma petitioned to charge the defendant as an adult for premeditate murder, or 1st degree murder, which was approved and Thompson was so tried and convicted, to be later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court (487 U.S. 815, 1988). The trend for the juvenile justice system to detain the juvenile over finding effective rehabilitative services is not the only challenge facing juvenile justice systems across the nation. After a two-and-a-half year investigation by the Civil Right Division it was discovered similar to the adult criminal justice system that the minority is treated more harshly than the non-minority. The research showed that law enforcement, which has discretion in what happens to the juvenile, is far more likely to detain the minority juvenile and release the non-minority juvenile into the custody of their parents or guardian. The report also said black juveniles were treated more harshly than white teenagers in detention practices and transfers to criminal court to be tried as adults (Dries, 2012). As a result there is a major overrepresentation of minorities in both the juvenile and adult justice systems. All criminal offenders in the juvenile justice system should be guaranteed an equal and fair juvenile justice process but this is just not the case. While juveniles are afforded some due process rights, the juvenile justice system is not focused on equality or even justice. It is instead focused on punishing juveniles for their bad behavior. When juveniles are placed within juvenile detention centers instead of sent being home with their parents and being required to attend rehabilitative programs and services that will assist them in changing their behavior and leading a more positive lifestyle. Research has shown that juveniles that are placed in juvenile detention centers are seven times more likely to grow up to become adult criminal offenders or to be tried as an adult while juveniles. Further, those who ended up being sentenced to juvenile prison were 37 times more likely to be arrested again as adults, compared with similarly misbehaved kids who were either not caught or not put into the system (Szalavitz, 2009). The failure to employ rehabilitative services has resulted in a growing juvenile justice population.
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Paddle in the River - Original Writing Essay -- Papers
A Paddle in the River - Original Writing Admittedly I was not expecting a stroll along picturesque canyon scenery when the activity of gorge walking was announced, despite the region's hilly nature, but neither had the prospect of preparing for full blown assault down a river in its upper course occurred to me. Snowdonia is abundant with water of all descriptions, from the mists that drift across the mountain tops, to the waterfalls and rivers that forge their way towards the coast. It is safe to declare that not one part of this activity included walking; wading, staggering, stumbling, even plummeting maybe, but definitely not walking. From the moment the coach set off from base camp, and parked on a dusty cobbled road, I was awaiting the activity with anticipation. Then, to my shock, following the inquisitive cries from surrounding pupils, the instructor bluntly likened the activity to a, 'dip in a pond'. A wetsuit has always been an item of clothing designed for reassurance. Whether it be surfing in the Pacific, or even paddling off the coast of Scotland, a wetsuit is made to protect you from bitter waters. Strangely however, the suits flung on a trailer which we were told to wriggle ourselves into left me feeling helplessly exposed. The fluorescent orange shoulder patches were in tatters, and the zips on your back jammed and in some cases were non-existent. In tandem with the mild yet prominent sewerage stench, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. After grabbing a helmet capable of fitting, and struggling to put on a life jacket, we began an ungainly stagger up to the start of our activity. The ascent proved a challenge, the ... ...sed my numb arm and wiped a bead of sweat from my brow, before loosening my collar. Suddenly my life jacket became a worthless chunk of yellow padding. A cheerful Mr Allen below, perching on a boulder, did little to boost my confidence. Hell's demons were playing cunning tricks on my mind: Is the plunge pool deeper enough? Are you certain you will not scrape your back on the side of the rock face? I was superman, as I teetered nervously off the edge and plunged down. All I could see was a blur of rich green leaves, jagged rocks, and finally Mr Allen's freckled face before I was consumed by the effervescent potion. As I plodded slowly back to the coach I had time to reflect. There was no doubt that the activity has been unusual and exhilarating and, after one sniff, I could safely say it had been a, "dip in the pond".
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Initiation Planning Executing Monitor & Control Closing Essay
ProXalt@ Student RecallSheetO Project Management Process Groups Initiation Planning Executing Monitor & Control Closing Based on the Feasibility Study conducted and using Project Selection Methods, the project selection committee selects a project. The client Develops Project Charter, Preliminary Scope Statement and the sponsor approves the project charter Based on Project Charter and Preliminary Scope statement, the project team conducts all planning activities and Develops the Project Management Plan Project team involves in Planning and Defining the Scope of the project and Creates WBS Using WBS items, the team Defines project Activities, places them in a Sequence, Estimates Duration and Resources needed and develops a Project Schedule Estimate Cost and allocate that Cost to work packages (Cost Budgeting) Plan Quality standards for the project Create Human Resource Plan Come up with Communications Management Plan Create a Risk Management Plan and Identify all Risks. Analyze them Qualitatively, Quantitatively and come up with Risk Response Plan Plan on how to Acquire goods nd services from outside the organization and Plan on Contracting Direct and Manage Project Execution to ensure that all the planned packages have been executed Perform Quality Assurance to assure that the project team followed quality standards Acquire Project Team members from functional managers
Friday, January 3, 2020
Transformational Leadership Free Essay Example, 2250 words
The theme, itself, has had mystical and quasi-religious overtones that did not fit well with the sort of down-to-earth empiricism of scientific psychology. Further, the constructs that defined heroic leadership were difficult to define and operationalize. Perhaps most importantly, heroic leaders were not easily available for study. Such figures, after all, appear infrequently and are usually too busy conquering the world to fill out the necessary questionnaires. In the late 1970s and the 1980s, interest in so-called "transformational" leadership was given a boost by two coalescing factors. On the scientific front, researchers were becoming frustrated with the limitations of contemporary leadership models in explaining and predicting the powerful impact that leaders seemed to have on organizations. At the same time, increased levels of business competition stimulated interest among practicing managers in ways to improve personal and organizational functioning. Popular interest made it easier for researchers to gain access to top level leaders, and the demand for the findings of the research fueled the work of both empirical researchers and armchair theoreticians. Although we have seen a resurgence of interest recently, the roots of transformational leadership theory (so called because such leadership transforms the goals of followers from self-interest to collective achievement) were found in the writings of the turn of the century German so ciologist, Max Weber. We will write a custom essay sample on Transformational Leadership or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Transformational Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Attitudes Transformational leadership can be conceptualized as consisting of charisma (idealized influence), inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Over nearly 20 years, those leaders rated higher on these transformational leadership components by their followers have been associated with generating higher levels of effort, commitment, satisfaction, and work performance both at individual and collective levels. The consistency in the pattern of positive results associated with transformational leadership is similar to the results produced over the last three decades examining collective and self-efficacy. Bass (1985) espoused a theory of transformational leadership that. The degree to which leaders are transformational was measured in terms of the leaders effect on followers. Followers of transformational leaders feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect toward leaders and are motivated to perform extra-role behaviors.
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