Saturday, August 31, 2019
Distance Learning: Possible Benefits Essay
Definitions ran course to every form of discourse and writing, so much so that in this case, the word â€Å"distance learning†be defined in the most concise but meaningful way. The fact that it is a recent phenomenon juxtaposes the individual to present its definition in terms of its academic connotation. The things involved in distance learning is but a magnifier of the whole phenomenon, a strategy of focus (which elements are to be given more credence in a specific situation. This is more of a prescription rather than a protocol in composing outlines dealing with recent topics (Tulloch & Sneed). The potential benefits of distance learning from the view of the students should be structured in a way that elements of class discourse are given consideration (Lindsay & Howell). Benefits themselves, are nothing without examining the context to which they were derived. Nonetheless, the range of possibilities is expanded (i. e. in communication, class participation) whenever the situational contingencies are analyzed. Nonetheless, the concept of maximal time utilization should be included in the outline for it provides some â€Å"hint†as to what differentiates distance learning from other modes of teaching (Guide to Distance Learning Programs, 2002). Included here is the examination of intervening factors that can adversely affect the facilitation channel. The benefits of distance learning in terms of communication are but a spectrum of achieving the wide range of possible academic inquiries of students (â€Å"Distance Learning†, 2006). A critical assessment and of course, preparatory training programs should be included in the outline as legitimate subtopics; this is to make the participants (students) know their limitation (in this case, students and teachers fearful of the idea of distance learning) and the things demanded of them. References: Distance Learning. (2006). Retrieved October 16, 2006, from http://cops. uwf. edu/tutorials/technolo/distance/distance. htm Guide to Distance Learning Programs. (2002). ): Thomson Peterson’s. Lindsay, N. K. , & Howell, S. L. The Study of Distance Education by Distance Education. Retrieved October 16, 2006, from http://www. itdl. org/Journal/Sep_04/article03. htm Tulloch, J. , & Sneed, J. (Eds. ). Quality Enhancing Practices in Distance Education: Teaching and Learning (Spring 2000): Instructional Technology Council. Effective Opening in Presentations Here are some ways of preparing an effective presentation: 1) The opening statement should have the element of confidence and positive outlook. 2) The impression of the presenter towards the audience should be positive and decisive. 3) The presenter should be able to capture the attention of the audience by premeditating on possible and appropriate types of gestures to be used 4) Expectations should be set so as to make a good headway. 5) It should be brief; short narratives, jokes, and the like can be enticing so long as it is brief and comprehending to the audience. 6) Speaking with clarity and sense of freedom can well improve the listening ability of the audience. 7) Words should be used in the most appropriate and convenient to the audience. 8) The mode of presentation should be suited to the audience’s characteristics (what presentation the audience wants should have been thought of prior to the presentation). There are examples of an effective opening statement. Take for example a seminar lecture series where the audiences are teacher and students. In this case, the invited speakers (with good credentials) use the academic language (technical words associated to examples) for the audience to understand first the whole theme of the seminar (seminars in the academe are usually technical in every aspect). Gestures should not be the usual day-to-day manners; it should be academic for formality’s sake. In this way, the invited guest will be able to exact the confidence and attention of the audience. Nevertheless, fluency in speaking may awe the audience so much so that in this case, the audiences are intellectuals.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
A happy farm life, tragic heart break, traitorous family, and of course dogs: the marvelous components that make The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski a true classic. Within this brilliant novel there are of course many memorable moments that leave the reader filled with shock, sympathy and deep sadness. The most intense moment in the novel to me, though, was the death of Edgar’s father, Gar.The strong relationship between father and son as well as Edgar’s muteness makes this moment a pivotal point in the novel, and the sympathy felt by the reader brands this part of the novel as the most memorable and influential moment in the book. First, Gar’s death is by far the most memorable moment in the novel because of how it affects Edgar. In the moment, Edgar is alone and finds his father lying motionless on the ground. He frantically tries to sign to him but there is no reply so he quickly runs into the house.There, he makes a very unsuccessful phone call to try and save his father, and while on the phone he tries to â€Å"force the sound from his mouth†(Wroblewski 123) by hitting himself repeatedly in the stomach. He finds there is nothing he can do and frustratingly smashes the phone to pieces and pounds furiously with his fists on the barn walls to get someone’s attention. During this part of the novel the initial reaction of the reader is pure shock and sympathy, the audience knows that his efforts are useless.It is by far the most important and memorable section of the book because Edgar now has to deal with life feeling that his flaw of being mute is the only reason his father died, and he is constantly feeling guilty and responsible for Gar’s death for the rest of the book. The scene is also very well written by the author, Wroblewski, and the descriptions of Edgar’s attempts at talking are completely impossible to read without feeling empathetic towards Edgar’s situation and wanting to help. Second, the scene of Gar’s death is a pivotal moment in the plot during this novel.Gar is a very influential character in the novel. He represents a strong, stable, life for his family, a role model for Edgar, and the good hero who keeps any evil forces, like Claude, out of their family’s lives. Also, his death is the beginning of a tumultuous fall of the farm and Edgar’s life. Once Gar’s protection is gone, it is just Edgar and his mother left, both broken and trying to figure out how to keep the farm running. Gar was in charge of paperwork and the business of raising the Sawtelle dogs, so without him not only the household, but the business slowly starts to crumble.This also sets off the need for Claude to come in to the story, whose presence causes many problems including ultimately the death of Edgar. Third, Gar’s death haunts Edgar throughout the novel. He always replaying the memory and feeling terrible that he couldn’t save his father , even though it was out of his control. Also, later Claude tries to blame Edgar for Gar’s death, saying it was â€Å"strange, the way [Edgar] just†¦found him†(Wroblewski 435). Gar’s death in the book has a great relationship to the novel because of how it affects the plot and characters throughout the rest of the story.This scene is very effective when being read because of its strong influence on the rest of the novel. First, there is a great amount of sympathy felt by the audience while Edgar makes his discovery and phone call. All the reader wants to do is reach out with their voice to help out this poor boy who can’t speak into the phone. Also, to watch such a traumatic experience unfold as an outside party is absolutely heart wrenching. Second, Edgar’s character flaw comes into play in this moment. This is the main part in the book where the fact that he is mute is a big factor to the novel’s plot.The whole center to the conflict of his father’s death is that he is alone and is left in a situation where his voice was the only hope of saving Gar’s life. Knowing this as a reader makes the scene so much more powerful and meaningful, as well as influential to the rest of the book. This scene is necessary to the plot, because without the conflict between Claude and Gar and Gar’s sudden death, there would be no reason for several other big moments in the novel. For example, Edgar later sees his father as a â€Å"figure in the rain†(Wroblewski 235).This is a major plot twist, because this is when he finds out that Claude is responsible for the murder of Gar. Also, Claude’s relationship with Trudy would not have kindled without the death of Gar. These other moments help to connect the main plot with the plot of Hamlet, a very important connection that Wroblewski wanted to make clear, as well as add the general conflict of the plot of the novel. The death of Gar is the most memora ble part of The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. It is the most pivotal part of the novel, the part where everything shifts and begins to go downhill.His death increases conflict in the novel and is necessary in order for other main parts to play a part in the plot. Edgar’s character development is also based on this death scene, and the moment ties his character flaw of being mute into the plot. When the actual moment in the book is being read, the audience is left in utter shock and sympathy for Edgar and the position the situation throws him in. The descriptive work of Wroblewski is powerful, and a permanent image of Edgar hitting himself in the stomach with the Sawtelle’s shattered phone lying on the kitchen counter will be forever embedded into any reader’s mind.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Syria War
President Basher Sad's aircraft dropped bombs on the market In Aziza, a town near the border with Turkey north of Aleph, killing 20 civilians. â€Å"It's enough! †shouts Abdullah Mahout Hajj Seed, standing amid a pile of rubble dotted with household possessions: d shoe here, a telephone there. â€Å"Does the world like seeing Syrian blood? ‘ Almost two years Into syncs uprising, now a full-blown civil war, misery and despair are growing across the land. Lockhart Abraham. The joint envoy of the UN and ArabLeague who is trying to mediate, is making no progress. A military solution looks far off too. Though rebel fighters coconut to make advances In the north and east of the country, Mr. Sad's forces are consolidating along the north-south axis from the capital, Damascus, to the coastal heartland of his Latter sect. ‘This is never going to end,†says a usually hopeful rebel commander trot the eastern province of Iraqi. The opposition fears that International s upport may be dwindling. Members of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, a political body termed in Qatar in November, grumble hat pledges of money have yet to be honored. It's unfair,†says a member. â€Å"We're told, ‘do this, do that,' but then the promises are never fulfilled. †The body has started to distribute money to activists on the ground and has created a committee to set about the creation of a transitional government. But patrons are 10th to speed up the flow of support because they are unsure where It will end up. Syrians opposition, despite the best efforts of the new coalition, remains patently fragmented. The rebels look mainly to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, since they, unlike the warier Western governments, do provide lethal aid, But they appear to be thinking twice too.Funds for rebel fighters continue to trickle in but at a far slower pace than expected. Saudi Arabia Is afraid that, were Mr. Sad to fall, the Muslim Brotherhood, which It loathes, might take over. Jordan, nervously eyeing Salamis fighters over the border, Is reluctant to let weapons across. Jam al-Ward. A member of the coalition who liaises with the rebel fighters, reckons that fewer than 20% of their weapons are being supplied from outside Syria; most, he says, are bought on the black market or have been captured from military bases.The fighters' morale has been dented and they are becoming still more fractious. Rebel units argue over their share of booty. A battle under way for six weeks to capture Naming military airport outside Aleph involves 13 different groups. None will want to go home empty-handed. The tighter sound increasingly hostile to the outs did world. A new rebel council is viewed as â€Å"a toy of the West†, says a fighter in Aziza. Divisions in rebel ranks are widening. Salamis fighters recently shelled Rasa al-Main, a Kurdish-controlled town, ender the eye of Turkey, which fears an upsurge of Kurdish nationalism.Looting and stealing are c ommon. â€Å"It's a mess,†says a disgruntled activist from the eastern city of Deer ex-Zorn. â€Å"The regime is killing, the Free Syrian Army [a main rebel front] is stealing, and we are suffering. †The plight of ordinary civilians is worsening. The UN says it is struggling to raise enough money to keep people alive. The British government has donated aid worth Meme ($mm) and America almost double that amount, but the results are barely visible on the ground. Everywhere Syrians are chopping down trees to get wood for heating and cooking.In this atmosphere, Jubbah al-Nassau, a Jihads group with its own evidently abundant sources of cash, has expanded its reach. In rural areas, people continue to support local fighting units, since they are made up of their sons, husbands and fathers. But in Aleph, Syrians commercial hub, and in Deer ex-Zorn desperate residents are increasingly turning to Jubbah al-Nassau, because it is the most effective group at hand, though many re ject its ideology. One rebel commander says that most totaling are preparing for a reckoning with Jubbah al-Nassau, were Mr. Sad to fall.Sensing a growing reticence among Western governments to bolster the rebels more wholeheartedly, Mr. Sad is digging in. Ousted from large swathes of the north and east, his forces are now concentrating on holding Damascus, Homos (the country's third city) and the coastal region. A massacre on January 1 5th in the village of Hashish, on the edge of Homos, is the latest in a chain of such attacks along this axis on villages of Sunnis, who make up the bulk of the country and its opposition.
Dell computers - describe their marketing plan Essay
Dell computers - describe their marketing plan - Essay Example Through highly creative approach of meeting the challenges of fast changing requirements of the people, the company follows a dynamic strategy that incorporates the following major ingredients of competitive advantage. Marketing Mix Dell Computers has highly innovative approach towards marketing and pursues a market mix strategy to promote its goods and services. Unique aspects of its products and services are important ingredients of its market strategies that it promotes through various channels of mass media. While its online presence provides it with great asset to communicate with its customers on a personal level, it also helps the firm to access a larger database of prospective customers and showcase its range of products. The visual advertisements of Dell are intrinsically lined to the company’s mission and goals of meeting the needs of the people. They portray company’s state of the products and services under the landscape of changing socio-economic paradigms and demography. Thus, its advertisement on various channels show how its products are used by people from different market segmentation – from the common man to meeting the highly complex demands of specific industry or individuals through customization of products and services. ... The company is able to do so through exploiting people’s changing requirements and providing them with goods and services that meet their preferences. It specializes in the personal computers and accessories. The company continuously strives for new product development that can exploit the huge potential of Information technology. Dell’s vision of future encompasses flexible computer solutions so that its customers can easily manage to work within the complex environment of information technology comprising of ‘the data, preferences, applications, operating systems and associated IT policies that uniquely define the individual’. Indeed the solutions are designed to ‘provide IT with centralized control of end-user data and images (or digital identity), while still enabling end-user flexibility to work from anywhere and eventually on any device’ ( Using green technology and client virtualization hosting are yet another areas tha t provides it with unique market leadership initiatives. It is a key technology that facilitates the customers to run multiple applications under different operating system with complete data security. In the fast advancing technology, Dell’s products and services provide the customers wit state of the art technology that can meet the future challenges with confidence and total security. Thus, various products and services have become vital differentiating elements of Dell’s competitive advantage within the industry. Promotion of brand image The company has been able to establish a highly credible brand image. Kotler (2005) strongly stresses that brand building is extremely important aspect of marketing because
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
WHAT IS ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
WHAT IS ART - Essay Example We have creative art, conceptual art, abstract art, virtual art, representation, and other diverse forms of art. Conceptual Art is where the idea or concept is more important than the image. On the other hand, abstract art is a form of art that represents nothing. Most significantly, visual arts are a form of art where an artist uses MEDIA and the available technology to communicate about the self to the entire world or audience. It is the most diverse form of art as it reflects the society. As such, art has a number of purposes that include communication, entertainment, healing purposes, expression of imagination, propaganda among others. Art has various elements some of which are visual (Canley Davinci Group Web). There are numerous virtual elements of art that include color, form, line, texture, motion and time, shape, mass, volume, light, space, and value. Color as a visual element of art has three properties that include the name of the color, intensity or the purity and strength of the color, value, or the lightness or darkness of the color. Form on the other hand is a three-dimensional and encloses volume. In addition, time and motion are also visual elements of art. Motion subdivides to actual motion that is live movement, which displays actual motion when we see it in person and implied motion and time is a non-moving image that shows movement through the attributes present in the image. Consequently, the illusion of motion is what we experience when we see a movie or series of shapes that note a passage of time (Larmann Web). A line is an element of art, which refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point. A line has measure, which is the length, and width of a line and expressive qualities of line that define the individual character of a line. A line can be two dimensional, three dimensional, or implied. Shape, Volume and Mass
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Life Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words
Life Coaching - Essay Example " or "You need to be like person X" or "You have to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth to be able to achieve this". Dryden (et al, 2002) quoted the meaning of coaching as "the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another," and that it "does not offer any quick fixes to achieve personal image, magic away personal difficulties but emphasize that sustained effort and commitment [] for a successful outcome to life challenges and difficulties." It was only when after I met my first coach Mike Ducket, did I learn for the first time that I can I achieve my goals only if I could help others achieve theirs. Like Mike, I came from a Sales and Marketing background which already instils into a person to listen and question in order to be able to close deals. After all, if one did not listen to the customer and asked the right questions, "You will leave with nothing," (Weakest link BBC Anne Robinson). Oatway (2004) noted how Life coaching have become a practical alternative to searching solutions in times of crisis. She talked to several Life coach clients all over England and came face-to-face with regular mothers, teenagers, young executives, a 53-year old woman and her mother, among a variety of clients who swore to the improvement and positive effect coaching have done to them. However, it wasn't until I started on this course that I understood that there are different levels of listening. In fact, I had the impression that this course was all about listening and questioning! But so much like life teaching, one learns to have a direction on where one is headed to before one can create change within the self, and later, others. Taken from the early forms of transportation, that is "stagecoach," or "rail coach," the word 'coach' literally means to transport someone from one place to another, similar to coaching that it seems people are using both to help them move forward or create change (Starr, 2003). My Dream for Coaching in England Coaching, for me is the new goal I have embraced. I personally believe it should replace religion curriculum in schools because I am convinced that life coaching or the Coaching Magic taught early in schools may direct a lot of people so that they would not be left wandering around aimlessly in life. They would have a clear view and idea of where they currently are, and where they want to go. We would have a world of thinkers and I believe crime would be down to an all time low because people would be too busy achieving their own personal goals. Unwanted teenage pregnancy or pregnancy just to get a house from the council would be unheard of as the O in TGROW would be in play. Nine out of ten times we would come first in sporting events because all sports people would develop their inner coach. There are various reasons why a person or an individual may need a coach. It has become a more friendly and trendy way than dealing with clinical psychologists and the like. Kolberg (et al, 2003) noted that the various reasons why individuals approach coaches may be as follows: Coaching the leader who is new to the job. Leaders are not born but are made. When a person who is previously made to lead one kind of organisation was transferred to another which is entirely new to his perspective,
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Impact of the Euro Since Its Launch Dissertation
The Impact of the Euro Since Its Launch - Dissertation Example The Euro is one of the stable currencies in the world. It is the official currency of the eurozone which consists of 17 member states of the European Union. The euro was introduced as an accounting currency on 1 January 1999. The notes and coins for the euro were brought into circulation on 1 January 2002. In the period between the introduction of the currency and the advent of its notes and coins, the preceding currencies’ notes and coins were accepted, however such currencies were fixed against the euro. The significance of the currency on a global scale can be determined by the fact that it has become second largest reserve currency in the world. Apart from that, it has also become second most traded currency all over the world after the US $. According to the statistics released by European Union, more than â‚ ¬800 billion were in circulation as at June 2010. The euro has surpassed US$ in the combined value of notes and coins in circulation all over the world. According to the estimates released by IMF, eurozone is the second largest economy in the world. Many US economists had criticized the idea of a currency such as euro. According to such economists, euro was bound to be a failure and it would not last for so long. However, euro surpassed everyone’s expectations and in a very short period of time, it evolved to be one of the most powerful currencies in the world. Most economists were against the idea of monetary unification however the success of euro proves that mone tary unification is an evolutionary process. ... However, euro surpassed everyone’s expectations and in a very short period of time, it evolved to be one of the most powerful currencies in the world. Most economists were against the idea of monetary unification however the success of euro proves that monetary unification is an evolutionary process. From these facts and figures, it can be inferred that euro has become one of the most powerful currencies in the world and it has significant impact on the global economy. 2. Euro as Reserve Currency In order for a currency to be a favoured reserve currency, it must have well developed financial markets. The euro was formed after the unification of 17 currencies of the member states of the European Union. The unification strengthened the euro financial markets and it lowered the macro-economic risks of the countries in eurozone. This was one of the reasons why euro became one of the biggest reserve currencies all around the world. It inherited its reserve status from the currencie s that dissolved into euro. Before the introduction of euro the overall share of US$ as reserve currency was 70.9% which dropped to 64% in the year 2008. On the other hand, the inherited proportion of the euro as reserve currency was 17.9% in the year in which it was introduced, i.e., 1998. One of the reasons behind the euro’s status of one of the most reserve currencies is due to German Mark. The proportion of euro as reserve currency increased to 26.5% in the year 2008. The euro has significantly affected the status of US$ as a reserve currency. Most economists are also debating the possibility of the euro replacing the US$ as the most held reserve currency. According to David
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Topic to be decided summative assessment for master of midwifery Essay
Topic to be decided summative assessment for master of midwifery research methods - Essay Example However, it is worthy to note from the onset that there exist a good number of differences between the two study approaches. The existence of similarities is also another feature that this paper will attempt to bring out. It should be noted however that this paper gives precedence to the medical field specifically on midwifery and nursing. This paper attempts to look at what differentiates the two and at the same time what distances the two approaches. In this paper, the attempt is made to draw the distinctions between the two approaches. The paper will also present arguments as to why the two can be used on a complimentary scale as opposed to ignorance amongst them. In this paper the blending need will also be explored. A good medical research recognizes the interdependent nature between qualitative and quantitative research methods of inquiry. Unfortunately, having made the realization that the two methodological paradigms are quite complimentary, there exist a few stumbling blocks that make their application impossible due to some difference. To begin with, qualitative and quantitative approaches to research often use different sets of assumptions. These differences run across the fact that the two methods’ assumptions and world views are antagonistically orchestrated. To add more to this, their ways of learning differ significantly. A closer look into these assumptions delivers a view that portrays them as inevitably irreconcilable. This may explain why researchers are more often asked to focus on one of the methods while engaging in any kind of research. This is taught to allow them the freedom and the comfort to handle their daily learning and study activities. This may be the reason why the different exponents of the approaches appear to lean to their choice of approaches with little or complete disregard to the other. In that respect, the two approaches are rarely
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your Essay
Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your current role - Essay Example This is a challenging and, at the same time, a great opportunity to experiment and develop my leadership prowess. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures and contexts. It is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations. This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions and goals, is not easy, (Sadler 34). The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. Therefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated and needs met to achieve common goals. Leadership skills can perform an extensive part in development of one’s career. Often one’s technical skills can enhance his knowledge, (Northouse 41). Leaders learn from their colleagues, teachers, his boss and experiment various skill. Therefore, leadership is character development and building process that enables a leader to enhance his leadership skills, identify his weaknesses and strengths and reinforce his leadership abilities. A leader must be a critical thinker, managing about 50 educational supervisors and visiting different schools to promote teachers and principals of new educational strategies need critical thinking. He should predict possible challenges before they occur. Managing needs, extensive skills to allow development of educational methods that are cohesive, coherent and fruitful to the educational needs of students. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Technology Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technology Article - Assignment Example Bluetooth wireless technology has revolutionized the personal connectivity market as it provides the freedom to connect without using cables or wires. Bluetooth wireless technology has a number of key features including its low cost, robustness, ease-of-use, built in security, ad hoc networking abilities and low power consumption (, 2010). Yet another adorable feature with the technology is that quite a number of its core features are optional which therefore allows room for product differentiation. Originally, the technology was thought of as an alternative to data cables (, 2010). Bluetooth can be used to connect many devices and has overcome problems related to synchronization. In other words, the technology enables devices to connect remotely and exchange between themselves a variety of data classes. Several products can be fitted with Bluetooth devices. Some of these include digital cameras, Global Positioning System receivers, personal computers, printers, telephones, laptops, mobile phones, high definition watches, stereo headsets, MP3 players, cars and video game consoles just to mention a few. According to Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group), the consumer demand for the technology has continued to rise. In 2005, the technology achieved a milestone - shipping five million Bluetooth units per week (, 2005). This definitely implies that the technology has significant market traction. Since 1998 when Bluetooth Specification was first released, more than 3400 companies have become Bluetooth Special Interest Group members (, 2005). Some of these companies include Microsoft, Motorola, Toshiba, Nokia, Intel, IBM, Agere and Erickson. According to the Zelos Group (2002), the use of Bluetooth has impacted mobile carrier revenue significantly ever since the technology first hit the market. The group predicted that Bluetooth, in 2006, would
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Macbeth as tragic hero Essay Example for Free
Macbeth as tragic hero Essay The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy about a Scottish lord, Macbeth, who becomes too ambitious. He starts off as a brave, loyal and noble man, but his ambition and thirst for power lead him onto a path of ruthlessness and self-destruction, and ultimately his own death. While Macbeth is manipulated by various people and occurrences, the main ones being the witches, Lady Macbeth and Fate, one theme that remains constant throughout the play is the power of choice. Macbeth does have the ability to choose, and it is this ability that makes him a tragic hero, not a victim. There are certain characteristics that someone must have in order to be considered a full tragic hero. One of the main ones is that the character must have a fatal flaw. In Macbeths case, it is his vaulting ambition (1:VII:27). Ambition can be a good thing, but when in large doses as Macbeths was, it can be dangerous, and, as Macbeth proved, even fatal. Another important characteristic of a tragic hero is the conflict between good and evil, and the choice between these two things. Macbeth consciously chooses evil over good. A victim, on the other hand, has no power over what happens to them. Macbeth did have some control over the situation, which means that he was not a victim. However, Macbeth himself cant be entirely to blame. He was influenced and manipulated, particularly by the witches. If the three Weird Sisters (1:V:7) had not said anything to Macbeth in the first place then none of it would have happened. The Weird Sisters put the idea of becoming king hereafter (1:III:49) into Macbeths head, and, consequently, the idea of murdering King Duncan. The witches knew that this would happen, they wanted it to happen. They also manipulated Macbeth later on in the play, with the three apparitions. They gave him false confidence, and, once again, they knew and wanted this to happen. They created toil and trouble (1:IV:10), and they created it on purpose, to lead Macbeth to his demise. However, Banquo was also present at the first meeting with the Weird Sisters, and they made a prophesy for him, too. But Banquo chooses to ignore what they say. Macbeth could have made this choice as well, but he didnt. Although the witches did manipulate Macbeth, he wanted to believe their prophesies, and he chose to believe them. Another person who was a big influence on Macbeth was his wife, Lady Macbeth. He was going to let chance crown me king (1:III:43), but Lady Macbeth knew that this wouldnt lead to anything. She also knew that Macbeths sense of loyalty and honour could stop him from killing Duncan and therefore becoming king and fulfilling his ambitions. She urges him to look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert (1:V:63-64). She also questions Macbeths manliness, another weak spot of his. She knows that he doesnt like her doing this, and she knows that its a good way of persuading Macbeth to do what she wants him to do that its a good way of manipulating him. But Macbeth wanted to be manipulated. He let his wife influence him. If he really didnt want to murder Duncan then he wouldnt have. Even before he spoke to Lady Macbeth he was having horrible imaginings (1:III:37). Even though Lady Macbeth helped turn these into realities, she did not physically force her husband to commit murder. Once again, Macbeth had the freedom, power and ability to choose. Another important role in the Macbeth is the role of Fate and destiny. Being a tragic hero, Macbeth was destined to die from the beginning. It could have even been Fate that Macbeth made the wrong choices. However Fate cant manipulate, Fate just is. Macbeth says that he is going to leave everything up to chance, but he doesnt. He chose not to. Perhaps this was also due to Fate, but what would have happened if Macbeth had chosen not to kill Duncan? This is another thing that makes Macbeth a tragic hero the audience is left feeling sympathetic about what might have been. No matter how manipulated, everybody has the power of free will. The fact is that Macbeth chose his path himself, and although Fate may have played some part in his downfall, the power of choice played and even bigger part. The ability to choose overrides Fate and destiny. The entire play could just be put down to human nature. Greed, power, ambition; greed for power and ambition is a part of human nature. However human nature is a bit like Fate, in that it cannot manipulate, it just is. Nearly everyone would like to believe that they can be great, and if they are told so would want to believe it. Macbeth just takes it one step further by making it happen. In a way Macbeth is taking Fate into his own hands. His vaulting ambition drives him to do this. It is Macbeths ambition that leads him to murder people, as well as leading to his own death. His ambition ultimately becomes his nemesis, which makes him a full tragic hero. Macbeths ambition and his greed for power is like a fire. The witches, Lady Macbeth and Fate did manipulate him and add fuel to the fire, but the spark had to be there first in order for them to do this. Although Macbeth was influenced and manipulated a great deal, he still had the power and the freedom to choose. It is the choices he made that make Macbeth not a victim, but a full tragic hero.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Civil Rights Essay Example for Free
Civil Rights Essay Although the 1960’s are usually considered the decade of greatest achievement for black civil rights, the 1940’s and 1950’s were periods of equally important gains. Asses the Validity of this statement. Equality was always a touchy subject following the civil war. Following the war, the north did not put emphasis on equality for all men. It took almost a century longer for complete equality to be achieved. Clearly these changes did not come around quickly, and it took a large group effort to bring about change. The ending results of the fight for Civil Rights that came in the 1960’s are of equal or even lesser importance to the events that enacted the change during the 1940’s and 1950’s. The 1960’s were a time of great results of the effort to establish civil rights for African Americans. In the earl sixties, movements such as the Freedom Riders were still in full effect, but the government was beginning to sway to the black side. President Kennedy brings the Civil Rights Bill to congress in 1963. It is put down by the southern democrats. As a result, Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement organize a massive political march in Washington. One of the high points of this march is Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. The efforts come to fruition with the passing of the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, and Voting Rights Bill of 1965. But the Efforts made in the sixties are mere fractions of the total amount of drive from the previous decades. Civil Rights was an important issue that came up after, and during, WWII. Many Blacks wanted to serve their country in the army, but couldn’t due to military segregation. President Truman brought the Civil Rights issue to light when he established his Committee on Civil Rights. Shortly after the committee was established, the President passed a series of executive orders removing segregation in the military and in the government workforce. This was the first effort taken by the government concerning equal rights for the African Americans. These Efforts promptly continued at the turn of the decade. The Civil Rights movement really began to sink in leading up to it’s peak in the late fifties. In 1950, a major court ruling changed the face of racial segregation involving schools. The Supreme Court case Brown v Board of Education was a shock to the US population that had Blacks all over seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Segregation in schools was ruled a violation of the fourteenth amendment by the court. This ruling was put to the test in 1952 when nine black students attempted to enroll in a public high school. Crowds gathered in order to stop the students. Then, President Eisenhower sent in a group of troop to escort the students to school; showing that the federal government would support the court ruling. More and more Blacks decided to take a stand. In Montgomery, Alabama, Civil Rights activists staged a bus boycott. These events turned more and more people towards the cause. As time went on, activists grew more organized. The events of the 1950’s set up the success that came in the 1960’s The 1940’s and 1940’s were just as important as the 1960’s for the Civil Rights movement because, major events during this era created a sense of unity that allowed for organization in the sixties. It is important not to overlook the necessary preludes to the march on Washington. Although results are finally felt in the sixties, it could never have happened without the bravery of the previous twenty-so years.
Factors That Influence The Selection Process Commerce Essay
Factors That Influence The Selection Process Commerce Essay When Herbert Chong and wife Michelle, founders of Honey Bun, purchased a small bakery in Spanish Court, New Kingston in 1982, their vision was opportunity, growth and family. 29 years later the philosophy still holds true, and is the foundation which has characterised the companys operation. This has enabled Honey Bun to develop into an immensely valued, recognized and loved Jamaican brand, known for freshly baked, premium quality products. Having outgrown a number of locations, the Chongs identified a larger manufacturing space on East Street, redirecting their focus and strategies to serving the mass market. The effort resulted in the development of a comprehensive line of packaged snacks, ranging from donuts and cupcakes to cinnamon rolls, and the brand being recognised as a Jamaican household staple. By 2005, it was clear that Honey Bun had the potential to become one of the leading brands in the market, and the Chongs were again on the move, this time to the companys present location at 26 Retirement Crescent to meet the growing demand. With a modern factory space, retro-fitted with upgraded bakery equipment and a highly specialised team, the company expanded their portfolio with the introduction of another brand, Buccaneer Jamaica. Product development was also a major focus, with Honey Bun being widely recognized as driving the trend for innovative specialty value-added products such as cheese and raisin breads. What had been a small retail bakery with a handful of staff, had evolved into a vibrant 24-hour, 7-day a week wholesale bakery, employing over 200 Jamaicans delivering the brand daily, practicing world class standards throughout its operation. Honey Buns commitment does not end on its production floor, but extends to its strong socially responsible initiatives which include investments in education through its annual School Dayz Campaign, athletic sponsorships and consistent support of the indigent and less fortunate with scheduled meal support. Today the brand is still synonymous with superior quality, superior convenience and superior value. It is widely regarded as Jamaicas number one for taste in baked snack products, as is evidenced by the company being chosen for the National Quality Awards in both 2007 and 2008. With distribution spanning key supermarkets chains, gas stations and small retail outlets locally, and select outlets in the Caribbean, North America and Europe, the company is destined for international growth having been awarded the Jamaica Exporters Association coveted Chairmans Award for Growing Exporters in 2008. Honey Bun is ultimately known in the baked goods market as a little love in every bite and recognized locally and internationally as an example of a strong, world class, brand of Jamaica. Over the last 29 years, Honey Bun has been challenged, and in every situation has risen to the occasion through tremendous growth. Introduction Selection of an individual for a given role is not an easy task. It does not only consist of the communication skills or technical expertise of an individual but a lot of many other parameters such as relevant experience, cultural fitment, personality traits of an individual, education and industry background and etc. After a certain level in an organizational hierarchy companies stop experimenting with people possessing irrelevant or unwanted skills and experiences. At that level, one cannot go and ask for, just one chance or say, if given a chance I can do it. Getting a wrong person in that level can cost an organization much more than the total salary paid to that particular individual. Hence, one must be very careful in selecting an individual and letting him or her cross organizational borders. In this article, we are trying to discuss various factors that affect the selection process. We have tried to cover as many factors as possible but we are afraid that we might not have covered all parameters. Most of the factors and parameters discussed in this article are relevant for experienced professionals and for middle and senior level positions in mid-size to large size local or multi-national and multi-cultured organizations. We have not covered domain specific and industry specific factors and to that extent this article is generic in nature and can be applied across various industries, domains and professions with little modification. Glossary of Key terms Human Resource, Business, Employment, Recruitment, Selection, Assessment. Human resource: 1. The personnel of a business or organization, esp. when regarded as a significant asset. 2. The department of a business or organization that deals with the administration, management, and training of personnel. Business: 1. a persons regular occupation, profession, or trade. 2. An activity that someone is engaged in. Employment: the act or practice of employing something for a particular purpose Recruitment: The act of getting recruits; enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.). Selection: 1. The action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable. 2. A number of carefully chosen things. Assessment: The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something: the assessment of educational needs. Factors that influence the Selection Process Relevant Experience Relevant work experience is likely the most important factor that influences the HR selection method. The relevant work experience required by an employer depends largely on the available job position and the level of skills required to carry out the duties of the position. HR personnel initially look at job candidates relevant work experience by reviewing their resumes. Applicants without relevant work experience are typically eliminated from the job-selection process. Employers desire to hire candidates with relevant experience because it saves the company time and money in training an employee. Employers also seek to reduce employee turnover by hiring qualified applicants. Do you think that you are a master of your profession and can do anything within the preview of that domain? I am sorry but you are wrong in your interpretation. Earlier in this article we mentioned about various roles that falls under the umbrella of HR profession. Let me take one example from that. XYZ which is a multi-national IT company is looking for a HR Manager (Generalist) and they are looking for someone with at least 7 years of experience in the same role of which at least 2 years of experience at the same level and within the industry of their operation. You have 12 years of experience. Three years in Recruitment, before completing your MBA. Post MBA you worked in the training and development department of ABC Company, which is a BPO, for 6 years before moving into the role of employee relations with a mid-size telecom company and you are in this role for the last 3 years. Though you have more experience than the required experience for the role, but neither do you have r elevant experience nor you belong to the same industry. Although you are a qualified HR professional but that doesnt mean you can handle every role and job that fall within the preview of this profession. Requirement of relevant experience is not only a critical requirement for HR profession but in every profession and role. There is little doubt that given a chance you might be able to handle the role of HR-Generalist but no one likes to take any risk or gamble for such a senior role. It will be wastage of time and money, both for you as well as the company. From the companys perspective, they do not like to take any risk and will only hire a person with Education Educational achievements also play a role in a companys hiring decisions. Some job positions require certain industry knowledge that is often obtained through the completion of a degree program. For example, a company desiring to hire a registered nurse will most likely require that candidates possess a nursing degree for employment consideration by the HR department. Educational achievement not only acts as a factor in making hiring decisions, but for some employers, the mode of education is also a factor. Some companies prefer to hire candidates who graduated from certain top-ranking institutions, or a company may prefer not to hire candidates who earned degrees through online-degree. In countries like India and China, education plays an important role in the selection process for all types of white and blue collar jobs. In addition to that, as one moves up in the organizational hierarchy, relevant education, type and mode of education and relevant certifications becomes critical in the selection process. Many people are of the view that although right type of education is required for any role but the type and mode of education is irrelevant. They also feel that companies are discriminating and rejecting their candidature purely for the reason that they earned their degree or diploma through distance mode of education. People also argued that those who have done their MBA through regular mode of education are less experienced or knowledgeable than their counterparts with Distance Mode of Education, who obtained their qualifications in spite of working full-time. Let us expand this argument and provide a logical explanation. In this fast paced world and cut throat competition, no company likes to take any chance or experiment with the required skills, experience level and competence. The order of preference that is followed in many companies at the time of sourcing and screening is as follows: Æ’ËÅ" Full Time MBAs from top 10 institutes in the country or top 25 institutes in the world and with good CGPA and relevant experience. Æ’ËÅ" Full Time MBAs from next 50 ranked institutes in the country but with good CGPA and slightly more experience. Æ’ËÅ" Executive MBA or Part-time MBA (evening classes or weekend classes) from top 25 institutes in the country supported by relevant experience. Æ’ËÅ" Lastly, correspondence MBA or MBA obtained by distance mode of education with good CGPA supported by relevant experience. Secondly, here I am making an attempt to clarify as to why regular (full-time) education gets more value than distance or correspondence mode of education. Obtaining relevant qualification is not about gaining knowledge. It is about grooming you for the right type of role and installing skills that are required for getting success in your profession. It is about, programs. Relocation One of the factors that influence the selection process for the human resource department is the geographical location of the job candidate. Most employees prefer to hire employees living in the local area. Employers prefer to hire local candidates because it hastens the hiring process and saves the employer money on the interviewing process and on relocation fees. Although most employers look to hire local candidates to save time and money, some employers choose to make the application process open to individuals living in other states. If local candidates fail to meet the employers qualifications for the job, HR typically seeks regional candidates next before widening the search to national and global candidates. Whenever there is an open position in any company, the company prefer to source candidates and applicants from the local market. This is done for simple reasons such as; 1. Fasten the selection process and will facilitate face-to-face interviews 2. An individual who is already settled in that particular place, city or state will not face any difficulty in joining the company 3. This saves the company a few extra costs such as excessive interview cost (getting the individual to travel to company site for interview), relocation cost and etc and thereby will minimize the cost per hire, and 4. This also defuses any anxiety or fear in an individual. On the contrary, if a company plans to source an applicant from another city in a state or country, they might need to make arrangements for the following: 1. Travel and hotel arrangements for candidates or selection panel to facilitate face-to-face interview(s); 2. Travel and hotel arrangements for selected candidate (s) to facilitate their relocation; 3. Provide them with suitable relocation cost 4. Process their work permits (if applicable) 5. Assist them in assimilating with new location and culture Hence, hiring a person from the local market surely saves the time and money of the company. But, we are in a global market where the talent market is very volatile yet competitive and hence any company that decides to compromise with skills and talent may lag in the competition. Having the right people available for the right role at a right place and time is not leisure or matter of choice but a perquisite and need to be competitive in the market not only to win the competition but to survive in the competition. Hence, these days companies are open to search for suitable talent in the global talent market. Salary Requirements The salary requirements of a job candidate influence the HR employment-selection process. Employers typically set a maximum salary for an open job position. Candidates who require a salary greater than what the employer offers are typically eliminated from the selection process. Some companies choose to negotiate the salary with attractive candidates because they desire to retain their talents and skills. HR managers also consider the present salary of a job candidate. If the candidates current or previous salary is not competitive enough, an employer may not consider the candidate for the job. Among all the factors that you may consider while accepting or rejecting an offer is the compensation and benefits package in offering. You look for a CTC package that is higher than your current package. But what increase is acceptable to you? Is it 10% or 25% or 50% or 100% or 200% or even more? Have you ever wondered that many times, in spite of having right skills and competence and having performed well in the selection process, they reject your candidature because your present salary is not competitive enough to get you the salary in offering? Although sad and shocking but this is a fact. This is applicable in those job markets where companies hire from the local talent market. However, when hiring nationals of other countries there are many other factors that plays an important role such as cost-of-living, tax structure and etc (we will discuss about those factors at another place and in a different article). Offering substantial increase over the current package or offering a package lesser than the approved salary-band disturbs the internal equity of the company and effects retention strategies of the company. Factors that influence the Recruitment Process Factors Affecting Recruitment General factors that affect recruitment in an organization: Personnel Utilization A company can avoid having to hire new employees by monitoring the skill sets of existing employees. For example, if you are opening a new sales division that focuses on a new family of products, then you may be able to utilize your current sales staff to provide the startup sales professionals the new group will need. The success of the new department will necessitate the need for recruiting outside representatives at some point in the future, but you can save on startup costs by utilizing existing personnel. Outsourcing The concept of outsourcing activities that are not a companys core competency is an internal business practice that affects recruiting. For example, an food processing company would hire an outside IT firm to install and administer the companys computer network because computers are not the food processing companys core competency. When companies outsource, that reduces the need for recruiting new employees. The human resources department will have to shift resources away from recruiting for the outsourced functions, and focus on supplying employment candidates for the companys core business units. Talent Pool A company reaches into its local community to satisfy employment recruiting needs. If the local talent pool changes, then the company may find it more difficult to recruit qualified candidates. For example, if other businesses start to leave the region, then the availability of jobs drops and qualified candidates begin looking for work in other parts of the country. The company is then faced with decisions that involve paying to relocate new employees or opening new locations to access new talent pools. Competition Companies within the same industry are competing for qualified candidates to ensure future growth. There is competition in the recruiting end of your business just as there is in selling products. You need to analyze what your competition is offering new employees, and try to develop a competitive package to lure in the talent that you need. Strategies to reduce the cost of Honey Buns Human Resource First priority Honey Bun could use to cut costs on its human resource, though it is somewhat of a new development for many managers and HR staff personnel, particularly if they had seen laying off staff as the only feasible means to cut cost on human resource would be, is reducing turnover. Turnover is very burdensome on the financial resources of any given company, and if management does not have sound knowledge of the actual cost of turnover, the organization may be in a situation where it is inescapable to reduce it. Another way Honey Bun could improve their human resource management and to cut cost on labour is to ensure that the HR manager designated for recruitment is efficiently trained and certified with the necessary experience in a similar scope of position in a similar company model. A database of CVs of prospective employees could be kept thus ensuring that the HR Manager spends a portion of his or her time on a weekly basis emailing prospective candidates from the searchable CV databases available on job boards. The searchable databases are what HR managers and job recruiters use every day. The company could also institute a referral / finders fee asking their own workers of prospective employees, in the manner as job agencies do. Another strategy they could utilize is to pay key staff 15% above market rates to their star employee this is a nominal strategy seeing that replacing them is 40-50% of their annual salary if you include agency fees possible lost days in training and the employee who has contributed heavily to the overall development of the company walking through the door, probably to the competition. The company could also Reduce Healthcare Costs. Of course, the most intuitive method of reducing healthcare costs involves shopping around for healthcare insurance. For example if they are using an old fashioned broker for years, the current provider of such services will be costly compared to a newer less expensive healthcare company. Before the company cuts down on healthcare offerings for its employees, they must first consider eliminating dental and vision plans. Then after they have right healthcare provider for the company, they can make adjustments to their plan to minimize costs. They should ask direct and concise information that will in turn pose to be beneficial to the company. Switching to a higher deductible health plan is not always the most popular plan amongst the companys employees but striking the right balance between deductible cost and premiums can save the company money while satisfying the needs of its employees without any lost on both parties; Honey Bun on whole should analyze who they are covering under their medical plans especially if the company is providing full insurance coverage for spouses and family members this might just be saving such expenses from competitors and driving a hole in the companies pockets by taking in unnecessary expenses of their own. A strategy most companies are utilizing is they are beginning to demand higher employee contributions for the coverage of their family members who can receive general medical coverage from through the company. Another strategy the company could use is to have the employee pay the full premium for their spouse who can receive coverage at their place of work; this will go a long way to reduce healthcare expenses. Health and Wellness programs are now becoming popular in various business organizations; today most medium and large size businesses with backgrounds in various sectors and employing between 50-85 workers are drifting towards this focus. Implementing the right wellness program for Honey Buns employees can increase employee health and happiness while decreasing costs on pending healthcare cost. Most employers are now seeing the evidence of the success of wellness programs improving their employees happiness and productivity in the workplace and the favorable reduction in money wasted dealing with various health related sicknesses of their staff thus health insurance costs can be documented and proven. Honey Bun can also reduce its cost on human resource by creating a healthy social atmosphere at the workplace as this strategy is shown to increase morale, camaraderie and increase the productivity of the employee. Many companies do this by hosting a number of social events where the employees come together to bask in each others company and share in various activities. Hosting competitive events such as sports competitions for employees can be a defining tool. This allows employees to get to know each other and have a deeper understanding of each others roles and responsibilities and have a deeper appreciation for each others welfare, a team building approach in the work environment, and overall a sense of loyalty for the company this will make them proud they work for a company that encourages its employees to have a friendly and collective approach to their work rather being individualistic in their work relations. This can be the key factor in determining whether an employee joins the company, stays grounded in a team oriented setting, or moving on the competitors company. Improving the hiring practices of Honey Bun through the HR department can save the company much money and time. This would involve analyzing all CVs for a particular candidate who will maximize his or her strengths for the overall development of the company, the first time around, the long-term relationship of the potential employee should be the most vital factor whether he or she is added to the staff at Honey Bun. A detailed, comprehensive job description should be drawn out to highlight the important aspects of the position, as well as all activities that will be under their auspices; add additional requirements for the post including activities not relevant to the post available in order to test the flexibility of the potential candidate . This will ensure that the potential employee is informed of all of their responsibilities before the interview is even conducted. By working strategically at creating a well defined job listing that quantifies the scope of the position it will most definitely yield candidates with higher quality, and thus ensures a job skill match as well. Offering competitive salaries will inevitably draw in higher quality human resource and thus rids the company of the unskilled talents and the pending cost of replacing such. Optimizing HR operations and company policies can reduce costs while increasing employee satisfaction. By offering flexible work schedules for its employees this will increase morale and productivity. If employees are working too many hours, their level of productivity will decrease throughout the day. Allowing them to switch up their hours and come in at different periods of the day will ensure that they are working at their optimum levels and are properly rested. They must be offered competitive salaries as well. If a salary offered is way below industry standards for the same level of responsibility, potential star employees will be lost to the competition. Honey Bun could also provide their employees incentives to boost productivity and encourage employees to take the extra step when trying to make a sale or ensuring quality in their work this will make every employee think twice before slacking off. Another way Honey Bun could cut cost on its human resource is by integrating HR Technology this will save time and money by eliminating costly mistakes and introducing automation to manual processes. It is important to find competent, up to date, and fully integrated software to implement. Implementing integrated time and attendance and employee scheduling software is low-hanging fruit in this department. Time and attendance software in particular has been shown to provide organizations with a significant return on investment (ROI). Reducing the risk of expensive litigation can save Honey Buns financial assets in the long run. The last thing the company would need in a recession type climate is to be sued by a former employee. The company should know the risks, and plan ahead to rid the company of legal pitfalls. Know all of the laws and regulations for the companys industry and following them rigorously. A number of people will jump at the opportunity to sue the company for large amounts of money. To avoid lawsuits, documentation must be a key player in determining the company is caught in a litigation trap; record its defenses, such as warnings given to an employee or the fact that guidelines were given and broken one should not cite concerns, criticisms, or introspects on any particular employee. Honey Bun could also reduce its cost on human resource by not allowing employees to work overtime. The workloads must be objectively and critically analyzed to evaluate the time that is required for tasks to be completed efficiently, identify streamlining opportunities, and improve proficiency amongst individual staff members. Honey Bun could also adhere to a economical phenom most companies are familiarizing themselves with which is the use of contingent workers (people who are hired, as needed, to perform specific tasks, but are not employed by the company) in other words contracted staff, Honey Bun could utilize this as a means cutting cost on human resource seeing that the level of income being paid to contracted staff is way below the market value and at the same time contracted workers are not open to benefits as fulltime staff members.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Copyright Infringement via Internet-based File-sharing Technology :: Technology Essays
Copyright Infringement via Internet-based File-sharing Systems  Internet-based file-sharing systems are gaining popularity, and consequently the sharing of copyrighted materials has become rampant. Fueled by server-based systems such as FreeDrive and peer-to-peer systems such as Napster, copyrighted materials are being propagated all over the Internet, and while shutting down such systems seems to answer some of these problems, it is in no way a complete solution. By examining these file-sharing systems and the legal issues that envelope them, more appropriate regulatory means may be discovered. The same technologies that make the Internet useful to its users, such as standardized data-sharing protocols and universal connectivity, are making it easier for people to perform illicit activities via the Web. Further, with broadband technologies such as Digital Subscriber Line and cable modems making there way into more and more homes, the bottleneck once provided by analog phone lines and modems is disappearing making it easier to share large multimedia files via the Internet. Illegally distributing copyrighted materials is harmful to the industries involved, preventing content providers from receiving money that is rightfully theirs and possibly raising costs for legitimate users. Further, doing so on a large scale has never been easier, and regulating this distribution has proven to be extremely difficult. For instance, a number of sites exist which provide their users with free Internet storage, some of which, such as FreeDrive, permitting unrestricted public access. This allows for legitimate users to access the public domain files of other users, making the sharing of non-copyrighted material such as personal pictures and information very easy. However, it also makes it incredibly simple for a dishonest person to place copyrighted materials on such a site and post a link to it, effectively distributing whatever goods he or she has to offer to the entire Internet community. Similarly, Napster, which follows a peer-to-peer file-sharing model, promotes the distribution of copyrighted materials, namely music. It allows millions of users to share and search through the amalgamation of their files, effectively creating a virtually limitless resource of digital music. This has led to a number of debates regarding the legality of the software application, as well as several attempts to shut the service down. Recently the RIAA, the Recording Industry Association of America, has made efforts to shut down Napster, and in rebuttal, Napster has focused on six core arguments that they felt lent "great legal weight to their position that neither the company, nor its users were violating the law"i.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Brutus is the Tragic Hero in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Essay
The tragedy â€Å"Julius Caesar†by William Shakespeare should be renamed â€Å"Brutus†because Caesar is not the tragic hero. He is only in a small portion of the play and does not possess a major tragic flaw; however Marcus Brutus fits the description of tragic hero much better than Julius Caesar. Typically, tragedies are named after the tragic hero, which Aristotle describes as: a person of noble birth with a tragic flaw that leads to his or her downfall because of that flaw. Brutus exhibits all of these qualities, therefore rightfully naming him a tragic hero. Brutus was a man of noble birth. He had multiple servants and was often referred to as â€Å"Lord†, which indicates a certain level of respect for him. He was a very highly thought of person in Rome. At no point did he ever betray anyone, although he did kill Caesar, he did it to better Rome, not to mislead him. Everything he did was for the advantage of someone else. Even after Brutus dies, Marc Antony says â€Å"This was the noblest roman of them all; all the conspirators, save only he, did that they did in the envy of Caesar; he only in a general honest thought and common good to all...†This shows that regardless of brutus killing Caesar, he is still considered noble because he had good intentions. Brutus was also the best friend of Julius Caesar, the most powerful man in Rome. Had he been a commoner, Caesar most likely would not have associated with him or trusted him as a friend. Brutus’s tragic flaw is that he is very easily manipulated and persuaded. He is very naà ¯ve and allows others to swindle him because he feels that no one would ever lie or deceive him since he didn’t do that to anyone. His first mistake is believing the forged letters from the conspirators. This was all ... ... too late to do anything about it. So, he kills himself. He did this because he realized what he had done and felt he needed to take accountability. Before he died, he says â€Å"Caesar, now be still, I killed not thee with half so good a will.†He is now realizing that he really didn’t have as good a reason as he thought to kill Caesar. In conclusion, Brutus is the real tragic hero because throughout the play he is battling himself over good vs. evil. Even though he has tragic flaws he is still seen as a noble and respected figure in Rome both by those who wanted Caesar dead and those who did not. His ability to be easily manipulated led to the death of Caesar, himself, and countless others. If he had made his own decisions, he would not have ended up causing the chaos and tragedy he did. But, on the other hand he did have his own personal reasons for killing Caesar.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Capital Punishment: Not Cruel and Not Unusual Essay -- Pro Death Penal
Capital punishment and the practice of the death penalty is an issue that is passionately debated in the United States. Opponents of the death penalty claim that capital punishment is unnecessary since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison every year(List of prison escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police are searching for two convicted murders who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York on June 6th, 2015. The ONLY punishment from which one cannot escape is capital punishment. As the world is changing, so are people’s views on the death penalty. Some think that it does not follow the 8th amendment and that Americans should abolish it. Even though, a number of people do not wish to have the death penalty, in reality it has been around for centuries all over the world. In fact, the only thing that has changed about it is the crimes deemed punishable by death and the methods used to kill those found guilty (Wolf 21). Although, there are some flaws with the way the justice system administers the death penalty, it is a necessary punishment used to stop the worst possible criminals. The death penalty has a lot of history to it. Over the years, a variation of methods of been used in different countries. Some methods that have been used and some that are still used today: be-headings, hangings, gassing, electrocution, lynching, shootings, and lethal injections. As the years passed, the process of executing criminals change due to what people thought was cruel. In this time, lethal injection is the most common technique used in the United States with a select few states stil... ...-1.htm>. Death Penalty Curricula for High School, . "Michigan State University Comm Tech Lab and Death Penalty Information Center.." N.p., 2014. Web. 8 May 2015. . Fisanick, Nick. The Ethics of Capital Punishment. New York: Green Haven Press, 2005. Print. "† N.p., 2011. Web. 6 May 2015. . "List of prison escapes" Wikipedia 2015. Web. 8 June 2015. Williams, Mary. Is the Death Penalty Fair?. San Diego: Green Haven Press, 2003. Print. Wolf, Robert. Capital Punishment. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1997. Print.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Death of a Salesmen Literary Analysis
Maria Medina AP Literature 2nd Hour February 14th, 2012 Being Boxed In As humans, at some point in our life we may feel the sense of being boxed-in. In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller shows the different factors that make for the frustrations of long time salesman Willy Loman. Being â€Å"boxed in†is a symbol of Willy’s serious desperation with his life in the city, his career, and his family that eventually led to his death. Willy is living in the crammed state of New York.He feels as though the city has turned into a box for the inhabitants: â€Å"The way they boxed us in here. Bricks and windows, windows and bricks. †(1301). Willy feels trapped about the innovating of cities and rapidly growing population: â€Å"There’s more people! That’s what’s ruining this country! Population is getting out of control. The competition is maddening! Smell the stink from that apartment house-! †(1301) He’s afraid of change, and can†™t accept it.. Willy makes himself feel boxed in by not accepting the new city life along with his new family life.The city changing reminds Willy that he now also has a failed relationship with his sons, and this attributes to his sense of feeling boxed in. Willy refers back to the past many times and longs for life to be like it used to be. While talking about the changing city he remembers his old relationship with one of his sons: â€Å"Remember those two beautiful elm trees out there? When I and Biff hung the swing between them? †Willy wishes to go back to the old days when his sons and he got along. He’s very nostalgic and remembers old times to give him some comfort.Unfortunately, having flashback of the good times affects him horribly and not being able to go back in time makes him feel trapped. Willy’s career has also taken a huge toll on him. At the beginning of the play he tries to give his wife and himself hope that they eventually won’t fe el physically trapped and things will get better: â€Å"Before it’s all over we’re gonna get a little place in the country and I’ll raise some vegetables and a couple of chickens. †This shows that Willy longs for a different life where routine isn’t always necessary.He wants freedom and hopes someday it will come. Willy admits that he feels physically trapped due to the city he’s living in, but never admits that he is trapped in the sense that he tries to appeal to everyone. He tries to keep an image that does not truly reflect him: â€Å"We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house! †(1362) After being confronted by Biff, Willy still doesn’t realize his failure in his career and success. He tries making things better by helping out Biff’s success; he commits suicide to have Biff keep his insurance money and start his own life: â€Å"Imagine?When the mail comes he’ll be ahead of Bernard again! †(1 364) This suicide makes for Willy to literally box himself. All of his frustrations make for Willy not think straight and making irrational decisions. showed the factors that led to Willy’s feeling â€Å"boxed in†. His city life, his failed relationship with his family, and his having to keep up an appearance led Willy to frustration. Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman showed that being â€Å"boxed in†occurs when many problems come up, and when not coped with correctly, can lead to tragic extremes.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Violence in Playgrounds and How to Curb the Menace
VIOLENCE IN PLAYGROUNDS AND HOW TO CURB THE MENACE Violence is on the rise in playgrounds and there are always young children who stand defenseless in the face of their peers, who may happen to be bigger than them and as such take the advantage to pick on the little ones. A report by the Federal School Authorities in Cairo have showed there has been a 70% increase in bullying report cases in 2005 playground, compared to the 15% recorded in 2002. this vividly shows a tremendous increase in bullying on playgrounds. Parents today have a major role to play in counseling their children over the bullying issue. However some parents may decide to tell their children to retaliate, but on a closer look that may not seem to be a good solution. Firstly, if a child decides to fight back, it puts him in an even greater risk because he may be outnumbered by the bullies and that even makes him more defenseless. Secondly, in the event of trying to defend himself, the child may adopt violent methods which he may have seen on T. V like stabbing or kicking in the guts. Consequently, inflicting a major injury on his fellow peers. Thirdly, by parents telling their kids to stand up and defend themselves, they are passing a subliminal message to children which may seem to encourage violence among the children. My final reason is based on a childhood experience ; a child was persistently bullied by a group of children and when he decided to confront his parents about the issue they asked him to stand and defend himself. The next day he took a knife to the playground and used it on the bully. The following are proper methods and solution to be used in such events. †¢Do not blame the child if he finally works up the courage to report bullying. It isn’t right to criticize him for not handling the situation. For example don’t ask him â€Å"Well, what did u do to bring it on? †. Also remember that hitting back is not a choice at playgrounds and is not encouraged at all. It might get him into trouble especially if the playground is for the school. To sum up parents should be aware that bullying prevention programs are often a very effective way to solve the problem rather than fighting back.
A single tube of cerebration's fluid is received In the laboratory and the following tests requested: total protein, albumin, Gig quantization, microbial culture, Gram stain, leukocyte count and differential cell count. The specimen should be sent to the various laboratories in which order? A. Chemistry lab, homology lab, microbiology lab b. Homology lab, chemistry lab, microbiology lab c. Microbiology lab, homology lab, chemistry lab d. Homology lab, microbiology lab, chemistry lab 3. You need to prepare a 1 TTT (1 :4 or h) dilution off serum specimen using saline before analysis.Which of the following petting steps would result in this dilution? A. Pipette 0. 5 ml serum, then add 1. 0 ml saline b. Pipette 1. 0 ml serum, then add 2. 0 ml saline c. Pipette 1. 5 ml serum, then add 4. 5 ml saline d. Pipette 2. 0 ml serum, then add 5. 0 ml saline 4. The major components of a spectrophotometer are represented in the following diagram. Which component determines the factor â€Å"b†in Beer's law, A=BBC? A. Component A b. Component B c. Component C d. Component D At pH of 7. 4, which of the enzymes listed catalysts the following reaction? 5. Private + NADIA a. Lactate oxides b. Lactate dehydrogenate .Private kinas lactate * AND pH 8. 6 is used for serum protein electrophoresis so that 6. A. All serum proteins will have a net negative charge b. All serum proteins will have a net positive charge c. Electromagnetisms is avoided d. Heat production is minimized Seasonality measurements determine the 7. A. Activity of ions per kilogram of solvent b. Grams of dissolved solutes per kilogram of solvent c. Moles of dissolved solutes per kilogram of solvent d. Equivalents of dissolved solutes per kilogram of solvent Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate serum seasonality? 8. A. 2. 5 x An+ .An+ +K+ +CIA- +CO content c. (1. 86 x An+) + (1/18 x glucose) + (112. 8 x BUN) +9 (An+ + K+) -? (CLC- + HCI) 11. A serum sample is diluted 1 to 3 (1:3) before analys is and the following results obtained: Total protein – 4. 1 g/del Albumin- 1. 5 g/del Which total protein concentration should be reported? A. 4. 1 g/del b. 8. 2 g/del c. 12. 3 g/del d. 16. 4 g/del 16. Review the following serum test results: Creating 2. 5 MGM/del (0. 75- 1. 5 MGM/del) Cholesterol 220 MGM/del 126 MGM/del b. A serum glucose 200 MGM/del at anytime 38. If OLD receptors are non-functional due to disease, the plasma level of which lipid loud increase the most? . Fatty acids b. Cholesterol c. Cholesterol esters d. Triglycerides 39. Which of the following serum protein electrophoresis patterns is most typical of the nephritic syndrome? Albumin alpha alphas b. Normal d. Normal beta gamma 40. Which analyze is most likely to be elevated in a specimen drawn 2 hours after an uncomplicated myocardial infarction? A. KC- MBA (KC-2) b. Mycologist c. Titration I d. Titration T 41. Which of the following serum results correlates best with the rapid cell turnover associated wit h chemotherapy treatment regimens? A. Creating of 2. 5 MGM/del b. Potassium of 5. Mol/L c.Urea nitrogen of 30 MGM/del d. Uric acid of 10. 0 MGM/del 42. Which set of serum electrolyte results (in Mol/L) is most likely obtain from serum with an elevated lactate level? An+ a. 125 4. 5 b. 135 3. 5 c. 1454. 0 HCI 10 95 28 90 15 43. The following arterial blood gas results are obtained: PH 7. 28 APPC 53 meg POP 75 meg 26 Mol/L HCI- These results correlate best with patient experiencing a. Metabolic acidosis b. Metabolic alkaloids c. Respiratory acidosis d. Respiratory alkaloids 44. The patient with intermittent hypertension has an elevated value for urinary catecholamine metabolites (e. G. Malignancies acid [VIM]). This result may indicate a. Hyperventilation's b. Hyperthyroidism c. Idiopathic hypertension d. Phosphorescently 45. Blood from newborn has low thyroxin (TO) and elevated thyroid – stimulating – hormone (TTS) compared to reference ranges for that age. These result s are most consistent with a. Congenital hypothermia's b. Congenital primary hypothyroidism c. Congenital secondary hypothyroidism d. A normal response to pregnancy – induced changes in maternal thyroid function 47. The following results are obtained from a patient whose admission diagnosis is billiard obstruction TestResult Conjugated blurring increased Serum: Total blurring Blurring Urine: increased positive Which of the results obtained is inconsistent with the admission diagnosis? A. Serum conjugated blurring b. Serum total blurring c. Urinary blurring d. Urinary rebilling 49. Which of the following enzymes provides the best indication of obstructive liver disease, I. E. , schoolmates? A. Amylase b. Alkaline phosphate c. Separate nontransferable d. Lactate dehydrogenate 50. In a cerebration's fluid (SF) sample, which of the following proteins is quantitative to assess the permeability of the blood/brain barrier .Albumin b. Gig c. Transferring d. Preferable 51. The followi ng urinalysis are obtained: Glucose by reagent strip: negative Stones by reagent strip: positive These results are most consistent with a. Starvation b. Polynesia c. Diabetes mellitus d. Diabetes insipid 52. A patient with Type l, IDEM has the following results VBG Patient 1 50 MGM/del Ref Range 70- 110 MGM/del FSP 2. 6 Mol/L 2 – 2. 9 Mol/L 53. The patient has the following thyroid profile TTT: decreased OFT: decreased Thyroid peroxides anybody: positive TTS: decreased This patient most probably has a. Hyperthyroidism b. Hypothyroidism .A normal thyroid d. Grave's disease 53. Choose the diagnosis most consistent with the following: Serum total bill: elevated Serum direct bill: O MGM/del Serum indirect bill: elevated Urine blurring: negative Rebilling: decreased a. UDP – GET deficiency b. Posthypnotic bile obstruction c. Dublin Johnson syndrome d. Intramuscular hemolytic 5. When is a blood sample for determination of the trough level off drug proportionately drawn? A. D uring the absorption phase of the drug b. During the distribution phase of the drug c. Shortly before the drug administration d. Two hours after the administrationWhich of the following is used in the treatment of manic depression b. Lithium c. Calcium d. Chloride Which of the following is a commonly encountered xanthium that could potentially interfere with the determination of Diophantine? A. Nicotine b. Caffeine c. Amphetamine d. Proclaimed Which of the following drugs is used as an instrumentation in organ transplantation, especially in liver transplants? A. Metamorphose b. Emendation c. Cloistering d. Parenting Free drug levels can generally be determined by analyzing what body fluid? 9. A. Whole blood b. Illiterate of the plasma c. Urine .OFF of plasma 10. For what colorimetric reaction is the Trainer's reaction widely used? A. Acetaminophen b. Proponent c. Silicates d. Barbiturates 11. Anticoagulants whole blood is the preferred specimen in determining the exposure to what co mpound? A. Methanol b. Mercury d. Carbon monoxide 12. Free erythrocyte proprietorship (FEE) levels are useful as a screening method to which of the following metals? A. Zinc b. Lead c. Iron d. Mercury 13. Of the following specimens, which would be appropriate for determining the exposure to lead? A. DEED plasma b. Serum c. Whole blood d. SF 14.Identification of the urinary metabolite bioengineering would be useful in determining exposure to which of the following drugs? A. Codeine b. Cocaine c. Amphetamines d. Proponent 15. TECH is the principal active component of what drug? A. Benedictine b. Marijuana c. Morphine d. Codeine 17. When screening urine for toxic substances, which of the following will not be identified be Irenics Test? A. Bismuth b. Arsenic d. Cyanide 18. Which of the following tests would be particularly useful in determining sopranos exposure? A. Serum seasonality and urine acetone b. Urine seasonality and serum seasonality .Urine acetone and urine seasonality d. Se rum sodium and serum acetone 19. Which of the following methods would yield reliable quantification of ethanol in the presence of sopranos a. Reaction with permanganate and chronometric acid b. Conway diffusion followed by dichloride c. Alcohol dehydrogenate reaction d. Gas – liquid chromatography 20. Levels of 8 – 9% chronologically saturation of whole blood are commonly found in which of the following situations? A. Fatal carbon monoxide poisoning b. Acute carbon monoxide poisoning c. Non – smoking residents of rural areas d. Cigarette smokers
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Falling in Love
Falling in Love â€Å"Hey, hellooo, man what is wrong with you? You have been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with you falling in love. †Nicole said. â€Å"Yea, falling in love has some weird effects on me. †Kendall responded. The two girls continue to chatter about the effects of falling in love. Falling in love can have a variety of devastating and enjoyable effects such as always have a companion, getting a major increase in self-esteem, and last but no least losing focus in school and schoolwork.One of the most serene effects of falling in love is always having a companion. My friend Kendall used to feel lonely all of the time. You see she was the only one in our clique that had yet to experience falling in love with someone. All of that changed the day she fell in love with her now permant lover. Now Kendall never feels lonely. For example, every single day Kendall’s lover stops by her house just to spend a little time with her. Ke ndall is now in love and not a single day goes by that Kendal even thinks about being lonely.When I finally fall in love I hope to be like Kendall and have a great effect of falling in love like having a companion. â€Å"Man, do you know that I got a D- in Mr. Merjetski’s class? I went and asked him about it and he told me that if I wasn’t so busy falling in love with you and got busy with my schoolwork that I could’ve and would’ve done better. †Falling in love at times can have a negative effect such as losing focus in school and your schoolwork. A few of my friends are in love and their schoolwork is starting to become affected.They spend most of their class time focusing on their lovers instead of their schoolwork. Statistics show that when a high school teenager is in love that their grades in school seem to drop. Falling in love takes a lot of focus and most teens lose focus in school just to focus on falling in love. Self-esteem is self-resp ect. The dictionary defines self-esteem as confidence in your own merit as an individual person. Falling in love can have a very optimistic effect like getting a major increase in self-esteem.Most of my friends that are falling in love or have fallen in love are now more confident in themselves. For example, Rachael had very little to none self-esteem. When she fell in love with her current lover he complimented her everyday for different stuff. He complimented her hair, style, and one time he even complimented the color of the nail polish she had on. After receiving all those compliments Rachael’s confidence of herself slowly but surely began to buildup. Like most of my friends after falling in love my confidence too began to intensify.Falling in love can be an incredible experience with excellent effects like getting a boost of self-esteem, and having a companion. With every good there comes a bad. Falling in love can have some unpleasant effects such as losing focus on sch ool and schoolwork. These are the three effects that my friends have experience in falling in love. So my advice to you is to fall in love, and experience it just as my friends have. Even though falling in love has its ups and downs it is still worth a shot.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
In legal terms, during the later portion of the nineteenth century, â€Å"at will†termination, whether initiated by employer or employee, came into focus in the United States. Simply because a person desires to disassociate oneself with the business, whatever it is, for whatever reason, whenever one chooses, is fine and acceptable. This doctrine exists because it is presumed to exhibit and respect freedom from contract. It applies to the all of â€Å"U. S†except the state of Montana primarily because of the belief that employee and employer prefers employment relationship to be â€Å"At Will†instead of Job security (NCSC, 2014).In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense; and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, other than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day-? Thomas Paine, Common Sense†(Paine, 1779), (Grotto, 1995).In other words we can debate claims and notions that employment-at-will is all about exacting a contract of redeem and respect, but, wholeheartedly agree, truthfully, that the optimistic picture of equality and freedom is tainted by the continuing subordination and discrimination imposed primarily by employers. Summarization: Employment – At – Will Doctrine The employment-at-will doctrine avows that, when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of indefinite duration, the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all (Mull, 2001).The genesis of this ill-fated relationship began to taking shape when employees started to unionize work efforts and initiatives, albeit for a good cause; employees were at the mercy of employer discr etion. The sass gave employees a voice to dispel wrongful actions perpetrated against them, whether it was wrongful discharge based on race, religion, sex, age, and national origin, certain Federal legislative protections, and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was available to defend. (Mull, 2001). Allowable Exceptions to Legally Fire. The recognition of employment as being central to a person's livelihood and well-being, coupled with the fear of being unable to rotate a person's livelihood from unjust termination, led to the development of common-law, or Judicial, exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine beginning in the late sass. †(Mull, 2001) Much of what was contained in the original employment-at-will doctrine developed exceptions that did not fully materialize until the sass. However, have since become subject to erosive statutory and common-law protections all levied against wrongful discharge actions taken by an employer.In certain instances, the â€Å"at- will†dismissal of an employee by his or her employer is halted. There are three established exceptions widely upheld. The first of these is public- policy exception, under which, wrongful discharge is factual if an employee is terminated because he or she files a workers' compensation claim following a Job related injury, or say the employee is expected to break the law based on an employer's request. These acts infringe upon adopted public policy of the particular state.The first case was held in 1959, in California, involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and an employee fired because he refused to perjure testimony under oath, as requested. Courts struggled then and continue so, with the meaning of public policy. Some courts in various states found the term â€Å"public policy' vague. The definition differs; limits may include exclusion to clearly defined statements in the constitution or statues, or â€Å"public policy is defined to allow Judges rights to d etermine it a state's public policy locally or beyond.Secondly, when terms agreeable to an employer and an employee exchange verbal or written in some form to express terms of security or other procedures, it constitutes an implied contract exception. The employer through conversation and planning implied that if certain actions are carried out then you will remain here or etc. A common occurrence in the recent past was courts finding that the contents and representations made in employee handbooks could create an implied contract, absent a clear and express waiver that the guidelines and policies in such did not create contract rights. Mull, 2001) â€Å"The third exception is titled covenant-of-good- and-fair-dealing exception. Rather than narrowly prohibiting terminations based on public policy or an implied contract, this exception-?at its broadest-?reads a event of good faith and fair dealing into every employment relationship. â€Å"(Mull, 2001). A termination may become subj ect to interpretations. An employer's decisions motivated by malice are not permissible; done so in bad faith, and thus subject to answering a charge to show â€Å"Just cause†.By 2001, this exception was only recognized by eleven states. Decision and Reasoning to Limit Liability and Impact Operations. Granted when an employee is â€Å"off duty', on his own time, the doctrine offers protection that disallows termination, for what is perceived as unlawful engagement into activities. But, there is an exception to this ruling as well. It states that an employer can basically dictate what activity lawful is and what is not, when it is reasonable related to employment and responsibilities (NCSC, 2014).Therefore, both John and Ellen committed acts worthy of termination when they violated the statue as defined, John, by posting a rant against an important company customer, and Ellen, when she began a blob that protested the Coo's bonus. Retaliation provides that employees may engage in proper, legal, necessary, or desirable activity without being fired in retaliation by their employer (NCSC, 2014). Neither Jim in his email soliciting support of others to protest a situation involving a perceived injustice, nor the accounting department secretaries physical stance in protest against a perceived injustice have legal grounding for terminations.In defense of the employer, Employment-At-Will Doctrine holds no exception that can prevent the company employing Bill from effecting his termination. Joe, having threatened the company with suit for invasion of his privacy is not protected against wrongful discharge under the common law exception of public-policy. The exception allows effusing to break the law at the request of the employer, Joe instead was disciplined for use of company property, to discredit a customer, albeit from his personal account, he also used company time.Joe received the lesser of what could have resulted in Justifiable termination. On the other hand, the department supervisor is covered under this common law exception of public-policy. To terminate this person the company is poised for legal liability actions. Anna did not choose to participate on a Jury team, she was appointed to do so by the courts. The common law exception f public policy offers Anna protection against termination from employment during her absence for Jury duty; her boss has no choice in the matter except to comply.Position Recommendation; Pros and Cons of Whistle Blower Policy â€Å"Whistle blowing is the terminology that defines the actions of organization employees to bring attention to the wrongdoings happening in the organization. A whistle blowing policy by an organization is a step by the higher level management to keep account of all the happenings in its organization which can possibly cause harm to the organizations. It has become extremely important for large-scale organization to have a whistle blowing policy because it is almost impossibl e for them to be aware of the complete happening at all levels of their organization. (Dolomite, 2012) In any organization it is imperative to have in place a mechanism by which all know negative matters can and will be resolved. The basic mechanics are already established; the organization is Just fine tuning it for ownership. It should be simple, easy to follow, and ably proven highly effective. Ethical Theory supports willingness to get involved or the greater good of the largest population (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012).Based on that greater good recommendation is that: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) form a roundtable steering group comprised of level one, two, and three management and leadership staff to draft a whistle blower policy that, is concise with clear written instructions easily understood, and ensures not a lengthy process (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) will develop a training program; help employees accept the process and understand it is not about tattling, but more so, building an organizational inundation where each is holding the other accountable (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) defines the procedures through which an individual will report; develop strict response times for investigation and resolution (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) The CEO has the burden to set an environment that invites a high level of integrity, accountability, and transparency. When the drafts have gone through legal for lawful compliance review, the CEO and the steering group should hold information sitting for all employees to introduce the new Whistle Blower Policy as a fresh start for all toward ethical, relational, and success values. Further recommend considerations to create a position that oversees training, compliance, reporting, and resolution.Finally, recommend the CEO become visible and canvas the different areas, inquire to come to know the people, to invite genuine feedback, find out what is going on, where are issues of concerns. The CEO will do well to focus attent ion to follow-through on any issues shared while out among workers, and to stay abreast of actions pursued by the steering group; make certain they are addressed as the policy is developed. Fundamentals and Rationale of a Whistle Blower Policy. There are critical elements that ensure proper follow-through of any claim from a whistler's. Integrity is the key of what is disclosed, to who disclosed, and the method that address the issue presented. This policy is instituted to assist those who choose to question what does not appear correct and in accordance with known practice.The first of three fundamental elements critical to assurance of a Whistle Blower Policy effectiveness provides that, where an individual discloses in good faith, not for malicious or for personal gain, some indiscretion of public interest, they are retorted from factorization, harassment or disciplinary action. Secondly, the issue disclosed will be thoroughly investigated to include interviews of all persons inv olved. Third, every effort is made to protect the identity of the individual making the disclosure. Employment In legal terms, during the later portion of the nineteenth century, â€Å"at will†termination, whether initiated by employer or employee, came into focus in the United States. Simply because a person desires to disassociate oneself with the business, whatever it is, for whatever reason, whenever one chooses, is fine and acceptable. This doctrine exists because it is presumed to exhibit and respect freedom from contract. It applies to the all of â€Å"U. S†except the state of Montana primarily because of the belief that employee and employer prefers employment relationship to be â€Å"At Will†instead of Job security (NCSC, 2014).In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense; and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, other than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day-? Thomas Paine, Common Sense†(Paine, 1779), (Grotto, 1995).In other words we can debate claims and notions that employment-at-will is all about exacting a contract of redeem and respect, but, wholeheartedly agree, truthfully, that the optimistic picture of equality and freedom is tainted by the continuing subordination and discrimination imposed primarily by employers. Summarization: Employment – At – Will Doctrine The employment-at-will doctrine avows that, when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of indefinite duration, the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all (Mull, 2001).The genesis of this ill-fated relationship began to taking shape when employees started to unionize work efforts and initiatives, albeit for a good cause; employees were at the mercy of employer discr etion. The sass gave employees a voice to dispel wrongful actions perpetrated against them, whether it was wrongful discharge based on race, religion, sex, age, and national origin, certain Federal legislative protections, and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was available to defend. (Mull, 2001). Allowable Exceptions to Legally Fire. The recognition of employment as being central to a person's livelihood and well-being, coupled with the fear of being unable to rotate a person's livelihood from unjust termination, led to the development of common-law, or Judicial, exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine beginning in the late sass. †(Mull, 2001) Much of what was contained in the original employment-at-will doctrine developed exceptions that did not fully materialize until the sass. However, have since become subject to erosive statutory and common-law protections all levied against wrongful discharge actions taken by an employer.In certain instances, the â€Å"at- will†dismissal of an employee by his or her employer is halted. There are three established exceptions widely upheld. The first of these is public- policy exception, under which, wrongful discharge is factual if an employee is terminated because he or she files a workers' compensation claim following a Job related injury, or say the employee is expected to break the law based on an employer's request. These acts infringe upon adopted public policy of the particular state.The first case was held in 1959, in California, involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and an employee fired because he refused to perjure testimony under oath, as requested. Courts struggled then and continue so, with the meaning of public policy. Some courts in various states found the term â€Å"public policy' vague. The definition differs; limits may include exclusion to clearly defined statements in the constitution or statues, or â€Å"public policy is defined to allow Judges rights to d etermine it a state's public policy locally or beyond.Secondly, when terms agreeable to an employer and an employee exchange verbal or written in some form to express terms of security or other procedures, it constitutes an implied contract exception. The employer through conversation and planning implied that if certain actions are carried out then you will remain here or etc. A common occurrence in the recent past was courts finding that the contents and representations made in employee handbooks could create an implied contract, absent a clear and express waiver that the guidelines and policies in such did not create contract rights. Mull, 2001) â€Å"The third exception is titled covenant-of-good- and-fair-dealing exception. Rather than narrowly prohibiting terminations based on public policy or an implied contract, this exception-?at its broadest-?reads a event of good faith and fair dealing into every employment relationship. â€Å"(Mull, 2001). A termination may become subj ect to interpretations. An employer's decisions motivated by malice are not permissible; done so in bad faith, and thus subject to answering a charge to show â€Å"Just cause†.By 2001, this exception was only recognized by eleven states. Decision and Reasoning to Limit Liability and Impact Operations. Granted when an employee is â€Å"off duty', on his own time, the doctrine offers protection that disallows termination, for what is perceived as unlawful engagement into activities. But, there is an exception to this ruling as well. It states that an employer can basically dictate what activity lawful is and what is not, when it is reasonable related to employment and responsibilities (NCSC, 2014).Therefore, both John and Ellen committed acts worthy of termination when they violated the statue as defined, John, by posting a rant against an important company customer, and Ellen, when she began a blob that protested the Coo's bonus. Retaliation provides that employees may engage in proper, legal, necessary, or desirable activity without being fired in retaliation by their employer (NCSC, 2014). Neither Jim in his email soliciting support of others to protest a situation involving a perceived injustice, nor the accounting department secretaries physical stance in protest against a perceived injustice have legal grounding for terminations.In defense of the employer, Employment-At-Will Doctrine holds no exception that can prevent the company employing Bill from effecting his termination. Joe, having threatened the company with suit for invasion of his privacy is not protected against wrongful discharge under the common law exception of public-policy. The exception allows effusing to break the law at the request of the employer, Joe instead was disciplined for use of company property, to discredit a customer, albeit from his personal account, he also used company time.Joe received the lesser of what could have resulted in Justifiable termination. On the other hand, the department supervisor is covered under this common law exception of public-policy. To terminate this person the company is poised for legal liability actions. Anna did not choose to participate on a Jury team, she was appointed to do so by the courts. The common law exception f public policy offers Anna protection against termination from employment during her absence for Jury duty; her boss has no choice in the matter except to comply.Position Recommendation; Pros and Cons of Whistle Blower Policy â€Å"Whistle blowing is the terminology that defines the actions of organization employees to bring attention to the wrongdoings happening in the organization. A whistle blowing policy by an organization is a step by the higher level management to keep account of all the happenings in its organization which can possibly cause harm to the organizations. It has become extremely important for large-scale organization to have a whistle blowing policy because it is almost impossibl e for them to be aware of the complete happening at all levels of their organization. (Dolomite, 2012) In any organization it is imperative to have in place a mechanism by which all know negative matters can and will be resolved. The basic mechanics are already established; the organization is Just fine tuning it for ownership. It should be simple, easy to follow, and ably proven highly effective. Ethical Theory supports willingness to get involved or the greater good of the largest population (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012).Based on that greater good recommendation is that: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) form a roundtable steering group comprised of level one, two, and three management and leadership staff to draft a whistle blower policy that, is concise with clear written instructions easily understood, and ensures not a lengthy process (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) will develop a training program; help employees accept the process and understand it is not about tattling, but more so, building an organizational inundation where each is holding the other accountable (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) defines the procedures through which an individual will report; develop strict response times for investigation and resolution (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) The CEO has the burden to set an environment that invites a high level of integrity, accountability, and transparency. When the drafts have gone through legal for lawful compliance review, the CEO and the steering group should hold information sitting for all employees to introduce the new Whistle Blower Policy as a fresh start for all toward ethical, relational, and success values. Further recommend considerations to create a position that oversees training, compliance, reporting, and resolution.Finally, recommend the CEO become visible and canvas the different areas, inquire to come to know the people, to invite genuine feedback, find out what is going on, where are issues of concerns. The CEO will do well to focus attent ion to follow-through on any issues shared while out among workers, and to stay abreast of actions pursued by the steering group; make certain they are addressed as the policy is developed. Fundamentals and Rationale of a Whistle Blower Policy. There are critical elements that ensure proper follow-through of any claim from a whistler's. Integrity is the key of what is disclosed, to who disclosed, and the method that address the issue presented. This policy is instituted to assist those who choose to question what does not appear correct and in accordance with known practice.The first of three fundamental elements critical to assurance of a Whistle Blower Policy effectiveness provides that, where an individual discloses in good faith, not for malicious or for personal gain, some indiscretion of public interest, they are retorted from factorization, harassment or disciplinary action. Secondly, the issue disclosed will be thoroughly investigated to include interviews of all persons inv olved. Third, every effort is made to protect the identity of the individual making the disclosure.
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